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HowTo:Mess up Uncyclopedia/2

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Using the CSS in the previous page, we can see that now the

  • list items
  • list items
  • list items
  1. numbered list items
  2. numbered list items
  3. numbered list items

are also in Comic Sans MS. However,

Section header


Subsection header

are still in their default fonts. You'd really want to change these. Dang, the code's here.

p, li, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
  font-family: Comic Sans MS;

In the code, h1 is article title, h2 is section header, h3 is subsection header, h4 is subber-section header, h5 is even-subber-section header, and h6 is subbest-section-header. For some fun, lets make them in the Impact font instead.

p, li {
  font-family: Comic Sans MS;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
  font-family: Impact !important;

The !important makes it more important than anything else, except other !important properties.

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