Exercise - the number one killer

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The aim of this article is to warn you about the short-term and long-term risks hidden in regular physical exercise. We are not trying to convince you to quit exercising. We are just trying to educate you. The choice is yours. Do you want to live or run?

The greatest risks of regular physical exercise relate to health, and while it does have an impact upon lifestyle and relationships as well, it’s hard not to acknowledge risks that can shorten life expectancy.

With health effects of exercise, there is the potential for the person's life expectancy to be only 5 years from the time they begin their heavy physical exercise! There are other health symptoms that surface as well. Some of them might not be fatal. Some of them can be reversible when exercising is stopped, but others are permanent with lasting, life-long effects.

Sports people don’t always think about the consequences of their actions when they sprint for the first time. They think they’re just having a bit of fun. But with sports 75% of users develop an addiction, even after just one time. An addiction to sports leads to serious health effects.

Short-Term[edit | edit source]

The health effects of sports can begin immediately. These short-term effects are those that do. Many of these symptoms may disappear when regular exercise is stopped, but there’s also the potential for the damage to be lasting and that’s a serious risk even just from short-term exercise.

  • constricted blood vessels
  • dilated pupils
  • increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure
  • long periods of exercise intensify the user's high but can also lead to bizarre, erratic, and violent behavior. Some sports addicts report feelings of restlessness, irritability, anxiety, panic, and paranoia. Users may also experience tremors, vertigo, and muscle twitches.

The short-term health risks outlined above may be warning signs evident to others. Sports addicts may not be willing to acknowledge the risks they’re posing to themselves, but friends and family may be able to intervene.

Long-Term[edit | edit source]

Most of the short-term effects of exercise are merely temporary, but the long-term health effects are even greater risks and they can be long-lasting. 150,000 Americans die annually due to regular exercise.

  • Heart problems – exercise causes blood pressure to rise and body temperature to increase. As these things occur, the heart needs to pump faster to keep up with the hyperactive state of the body. This can place far too much stress upon the heart and cardiac system. There is the potential that these symptoms may cause cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is a serious risk, and symptoms may surface suddenly without warning, giving no opportunity for addicts to seek medical help.
  • Stroke – the cause of stroke in sports addicts is similar to cardiac arrest. It can also surface without warning and lead to sudden death in some circumstances.
  • HIV/Aids – while HIV is not a direct risk of sports use, it can be contracted by individuals that share gym bags. Long-term sports addicts can get careless with their habits so this is always a risk.
  • Gangrene in the bowels – gangrene in the bowels or other digestive issues can appear due to jogging or playing ball. Treatment centers for such an issue can be as severe as bowel resection.
  • Loss of sense of smell – loss of a sense like smell may not put a sports addict’s life at risk, but once sense of smell is lost, it can be permanent.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

So, there you have it! Obviously, there is no denying this article is based on scientific facts. Just look at the impressive health of those who do not exercise - or work - but just eat and rest. It is a far happier and more satisfying life.

The author of this article, Michael K. X. Keenan, is obviously a brilliant scientist. He is above all criticism.