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document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
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document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
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function main() {
    var newbox = initNewBox(); //Create a new sidebar box
    addRevert(); //Add a "Revert To Here" link to every diff page
    addHistoryEdit(); //Add "edit" links to the history page to provide a way to directly edit each revision
    setEditForm(); //Automate the submission of forms by auto-filling textboxes and auto-pushing buttons
    addLinks(newbox); //Populate the sidebar box
    addTabs(); //Add tabs to the top (NRV, MTU, Google, en.wp)
    flagUsers(); //Flag users on Recent Changes

    //addRecentContribs(); //In the Recent Changes page, add 'contribs' link to each user

function addRecentContribs() {
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function initNewBox() {
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    return list;
function addLinks(newbox) {
    addToolboxLink('VFH', '/wiki/Uncyclopedia:VFH', newbox);
    addToolboxLink('VFP', '/wiki/Uncyclopedia:VFP', newbox);
    addToolboxLink('JavaScript Edit', '/index.php?title=User:Volte/uncyclopedia.js&action=edit', newbox);
    addToolboxLink('JavaScript Refresh', '/index.php?title=User:Volte/uncyclopedia.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s', newbox);
    addToolboxLink('Redflag List Edit', '/index.php?title=User:Volte/redflags.js&action=edit', newbox);
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function addTabs() {
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        icuTab.addEventListener('click', makeIcu, false);
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function addTab(text, url) {
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function addToolboxLink(text, url, parent) {
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function addHistoryEdit() {
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        } else {
            curLink.innerHTML = '(<span class="plainlinks"><a href="' + link.href + '&action=edit&setwatch=0&setsummary=Reverted edit of [[User:' + name1.textContent + '|' + name1.textContent + ']] to previous version by ' + name2.textContent + '">edit</a></span>) ' + curLink.innerHTML;

function makeNrv() {
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    if (editarea) editarea.value += "\n\n{{NRV|~~~~~}}";

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    if (summary) summary.value = "+NRV";

    var watch = document.getElementById("wpWatchthis");
    if (watch) watch.checked = false;

function makeIcu() {
    var editarea = document.getElementsByName("wpTextbox1")[0];
    if (editarea) editarea.value += "\n\n{{ICU|~~~~~}}";

    var summary = document.getElementsByName("wpSummary")[0];
    if (summary) summary.value = "+ICU";

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    if (watch) watch.checked = false;

function makeMtu() {
    var editarea = document.getElementsByName("wpTextbox1")[0];
    if (editarea) editarea.value += "\n\n{{MTUsign|~~~~~}}";

    var summary = document.getElementsByName("wpSummary")[0];
    if (summary) summary.value = "+MTU";

    var watch = document.getElementById("wpWatchthis");
    if (watch) watch.checked = false;

function makeUgly() {
    var editarea = document.getElementsByName("wpTextbox1")[0];
    if (editarea) editarea.value = "{{ugly}}\n\n" + editarea.value;

    var summary = document.getElementsByName("wpSummary")[0];
    if (summary) summary.value = "+{{ugly}}";

    var watch = document.getElementById("wpWatchthis");
    if (watch) watch.checked = false;

function setEditForm() {
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    if (!editform) return;
    var summaryText = queryString('setsummary');
    if (summaryText) {
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    if (setMinor) {
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    if (minor) minor.checked = (setMinor == '1');
    var setWatch = queryString('setwatch');
    if (setWatch) {
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        if (watch) watch.checked = (setWatch == '1');
    var setSubmit = queryString('setsubmit');
    if (setSubmit) {
        var btn = document.getElementById(setSubmit);
        if (document.getElementById("editform") && btn) {
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function addRevert() {
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    if (!xp_name2) return;
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    var name2 = xp_name2.singleNodeValue;

    var linkSpan = document.createElement("span");
    var revertLink = document.createElement("a");
    var summaryText = "Reverted edit of [[Special:Contributions/" + name2.textContent + "|" + name2.textContent + "]] to previous one by " + name1.textContent

    linkSpan.innerHTML = "&nbsp;&nbsp;";

    revertLink.innerHTML = "[Revert to here]";
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function insertAfter(parent, node, referenceNode) {
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function queryString(p) {
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