Protected page


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  • Opera, Konqueror and Safari users can just click the Reload button.
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bb.patrol = bb.patrol || {};
bb.util = bb.util || {};
$.extend( bb.util, {
	GUIDf: '0123456789ABCDEF'.split( '' ),

	GUID: function( limit ) {
		var h = '';
		for ( var i = 0; i < ( limit || 32 ); i ++ )
			h += this.GUIDf[ Math.floor( Math.random() * this.GUIDf.length ) ];
		return h;

	getRcid: function( str ) {
		return ( str.match( /rcid=(\d+)/ ) || [ '', '' ] )[ 1 ];

	getCurid: function( str ) {
		return ( str.match( /curid=(\d+)/ ) || [ '', '' ] )[ 1 ];

	getPageName: function( str ) {
		return ( str.match( /wiki\/([^\?]+)/ ) || [ '', '' ] )[ 1 ]


$.extend( bb.patrol, {

	articles: {},
	_done: '<img src="//"/><span style="color:green;"> patrolled</span>',

	script: mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/api.php',

	init: function() {
		if ( ! wgPageName.match( /recentchanges/i ) ) return;
		$( 'h4' ).next().each( function() {
				var dateGUID = bb.util.GUID( 10 );
				$( this )
					.find( 'a[href*=rcid], a:contains(" changes")' )
					.each( bb.patrol.parseLinks, [ dateGUID ] );
			//find each H4 heading's next-sibling, which is a <div> containing links
			//The GUID part is necessary to differentiate changes for one page done on different dates

	parseLinks: function( guid ) {
		var $t = $( this ),
			href = $t.attr( 'href' ),
			rcid = bb.util.getRcid( href ),
			id = bb.util.getCurid( href ) + guid,
			text = $t.text(),
			article = bb.patrol.articles[ id ] || ( bb.patrol.articles[ id ] = { 'group': [] } );
				//note the assignment taking place after the logical OR
		if ( text.match( /\d+ changes$/i ) ) bb.patrol.addGroupedPatrolLink( $t, article )
		else bb.patrol.addPatrolLink( $t, article, href, rcid, text );

	addPatrolLink: function( obj, article, href, rcid, text ) {
		if ( !rcid ) return; = text.match( /\d+:\d+/ ) ? this.createNewPageLink( obj, article, rcid ) ) : //'this' is a new page diff link this.createDiffLink( obj, article, rcid ) ); //'this' is simply a diff link
		if ( article.changeLink && !article.parent )
			article.parent = this.createGroupLink( article.changeLink, article );

	addGroupedPatrolLink: function( obj, article ) {
		if ( )
			article.parent = this.createGroupLink( obj, article )
			article.changeLink = obj;

	createDiffLink: function( obj, article, rcid ){
		return $( '<a href="#" title="patrol this change only">patrol</a>' )
			.data( 'article', article )
			.data( 'rcid', rcid )
			.click( bb.patrol.doPatrol )
			.insertAfter( $( '<span> | </span>' ).insertAfter( obj ) );

	createNewPageLink: function( obj, article, rcid ) {
		return $( '<a href="#" title="patrol this new page and all changes grouped here">(patrol this page)</a>' )
			.data( 'article', article )
			.data( 'rcid', rcid )
			.click( bb.patrol.doGroupPatrol )
			.insertAfter( $( '<span> </span>' ).insertAfter( obj ) );

	createGroupLink: function( obj, article, rcid ) {
		return $( '<a href="#" title="patrol all grouped changes shown below">patrol these changes</a>' )
			.data( 'article', article )
			.data( 'rcid', rcid )
			.click( bb.patrol.doGroupPatrol )
			.insertAfter( $( '<span> | </span>' ).insertAfter( obj ) );

	doGroupPatrol: function( e ) {
		var i, article = $( this ).data( 'article' );
		if ( e ) e.preventDefault();
		for ( i in )[ i ] );
			//cannot use[ i ].click() because it will create an infinite loop when patrolling NewPages

	doPatrol: function( e ) {
		$t = $( this );
		if ( e ) e.preventDefault();
		return $.post( bb.patrol.script, {
			action: 'patrol',
			token: mw.user.tokens.get( 'patrolToken' ),
			rcid: $ 'rcid' ),
			format: 'xml'
			.done( $.proxy( bb.patrol.onPatrolled, $t ) )

	onPatrolled: function( xml ) { 
		if ( !$( xml ).find( 'error' ).length ) {
			var article = 'article' );
			if ( article && article.parent && -- == 0 ) article.parent.replaceWith( bb.patrol._done );
			this.replaceWith( bb.patrol._done );

//$( document ).ready();
$( bb.patrol.init );