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“The viola da gamba is the cello, but better”

 A sensible person

The viola da gamba (or ‘viol’ for those who cannot pronounce ‘da gamba’) is a musical instrument discovered during the Baroque era. The viol is superior to all other instruments, all other music, other eras of music, humanity as a whole, and alien civilization.

Cello[edit | edit source]

Oh god, anything but cello. What a way to start the article. To be a cellist, you must have an unbreakable ego. Cellos always think they’re the best.

Feeding Habits[edit | edit source]

Viols are known to mainly have a diet primarily comprised of cello sheet music. They will often eat a Marais or Sainte-Colombe prélude for dessert. Some viols eat cellos and cellists, and we commend them for doing a favour to the world in reducing cello pollution.

Viols and Humans[edit | edit source]

Viols generally are friendly to anyone who can play Marais. Viols are known to regularly attack cellists without knowledge of Marais.

What to do if you encouter a viol[edit | edit source]

  • Always carry a book of Sainte-Colombe with you. It is important that you remember this because viols LOVE Sainte-Colombe, and if you don’t have your Sainte-Colombe on hand, the viol might not treat you with esgales.
  • Always keep consistent eye contact.
  • Be gentle and friendly woth it, show the viol that you are a friend, not Couperin an enemy.