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My Ideas[edit | edit source]

Bushtit - Animal that lives in the Aussie bush. Will make pics of boobs with faces, will include black ones and ones with faces.

Brainwashing - The idea that washing your brain with soap and water will change your views - with refferences to scientology

Pound sign - Idea of the ancient art of pounding a sign with the head or fist.


"Coleridge49" is considered to be a sacred word by the followers of the Leet faith. In order to prevent random numbers being placed all over the place, please do not speak it in front of them.

Danger environment.png


Neither Uncyclopedia nor the original author of this article condone cruelty to animals.

(Kermit, Ms. Piggy, and that Swedish Guy however, are fair game.)

The writer of this article is a pinko/lefty and has an outrageous liberal UK-centric outlook.

They may even work in Local government or, worse, be an unelected eurocrat. For information on the best way to save our great nation from scum like this read the Daily Mail. (Pstt. He's probably also a commie as well; quick - tell HUAC!)

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The content of this article has been classified by the FCC as OMGWTF.
Please stop reading or risk SEHS.

Bomb.png Somebody set up us the bomb.
For great justice take off every 'zig'.
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Attempt to explain joke
This article attempts to explain a joke in minute detail, as if to an idiot, a very small child, or a very small child who is also an idiot. It also attempts to explain its own explanation, which, if successful, could result in crashing the universe. Please do not crash the universe.
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This page is or discusses a loony and/or nutty conspiracy theory of which Uncyclopedia vehemently denies knowledge and existence.
The black helicopters are not ^on their way.
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The information contained in this article is dangerous.

Do not try this at home, kids; go over to a friend's house.

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Avert thine eyes!

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If you are one of them, please see this article's page just for you.

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blessed fight against evil use of condoms.
Warning: The following text might contain spoilers.

This makes the article more aerodynamic, and thus more maneuverable at high speeds. Take caution and carry a first-aid kit at all times if you don't know that Rosebud is a sled, "Shell City" was a gift shop, the Alliance accidentally created the Reavers, Brad and Jessie become zombies, Alex betrays everyone to get the Golden Sun, Mary Svevo had previously had a relationship with Dr. Howard Mierzwiak, and then had him erased from her mind, Dorian murders Basil and stabs his portrait, killing himself, and Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!