Uncyclopedia:Departure of Fun/Auto-Novel

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Rules[edit source]

  • Do not delete what has already been written, just improve it
  • Add as much as you want
  • Make what you want gramatically correct. For example, each sentence must have one noun and one verb.
  • Make sure you use mostly templates, not words.
  • Use only templates from Category:Mad Libs templates

The Auto-Novel[edit source]

Prologue[edit source]

Before this was written, a lion wandered through the Cassie Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire Hall of books...

Chapter 1: The revolting serial blanker[edit source]

Once upon a plague, but a foreign operating theater in Comanche State, our lava was optimised. "Absolute ruin" was lazy beyond 16 bikinis, verbosely. As such, the Dalek Empire owned ricers towards 81 Zombification, past flaccid shotguns that shoots shotguns.

Luckily, the racket was chubbily 16 rocks from Lesotho. "Oh Kyle Broflovski" exclaimed the death. Gain 60 Evasion! Darth Vader is rapidly regarding the Nietzschean Alliance's Max BP and jellybeans deceiving. "FLYING FUCK," Sylvester Stallone cured. Chiefly, The Doctor was not spine-chilling, lathering Axe Skill.

Y the badger panders sheep, but only into fanatical toasters on 0. In particular, Where will you find roads without cars, forests without trees and cities without houses?? A turquoise nacho.

On the other hand, in 2438 BC, Freddy Krueger the one of You have two cows <option>orangutan destroyed, "CAPTAIN CRUNCH" He got slivovitz on my igneous protrusion. Melon farmer! No gold medal for him!

His niece was at Samaria, cruising his pituitary gland when the sharks with laser-beams began washing. "Pardon my French" he pandered. "They've written the erudite magmas!"

Absolutely not as Randy Savage said, sine qua non, meaning "I could look at it all day." They were tarred and feathered and destroyed an etching. The Klingon Empire discombobulated their 56 centrifuges, but The People's Sovereign Union of Planets was mysteriously older.

The bride, Dr. Robotnik, liked lavender slivovitz.

It was legislated that octohedron froze the idiot of blahaj. At the same time, it wasn't malevolent. A stripper broken a option. To come to the point, it was so noisily rotted it turned into Sterling Morton. Everyone agreed that a ape wasn't the best way to ruminate. For the most part, fanatical rocks aren't very hairless because of all the birthday cakes they eat, and the fact they live in Gilgal, where the neurotoxins worship an almighty sea cucumber.

The jellybeans rebelled against the evil Nietzschean Alliance. Problems arose when Jimmy Hoffa suffocated a toaster. Carlos Mencia was so beloved it was decided that a fistula was soon to smash. This resulted in a final battle, where Britney Spears was vomited by George Washington. Do you still think armadillos are cute?

It was then a dark day for Asgard High Council. They hadn't got 52 Mace Skill, and a purple city of theirs was about to be destroyed by a Great Eatlon. This was before AAA stepped in and battled the idiotic monster. The monster's toenail came loose. The hero thought he had won, but he didn't see the black hole (with 53 Grue-Slaying) earning a helm behind him. Oh no! What became of our hero?!

Above all, the petrifying city was sank. It had once been a agreeing metropolis, but it was now puce.

Chapter 2: The Nobel prize-winning earlobe[edit source]

The nude homotopies went across the windy bunny. It was a pimpalicious site, with hideous telephones the size of violoncelli. There were no Ropers or Altmers. The voyage to the ruins of the minuscule city was in perfect weather.

The ruined city was a rapturous site. The Jachyras that had destroyed it had clearly gone back to Iroquoian Kingdom. Everything seemed fine until a Hammer Beast jumped out and grabbed a crewman by the utopia. The crewman then destroyed the queen. Another sensual crewman fed the a Hammer Beast some calimari he had in his garbage bin. This destroyed the a Hammer Beast and made it slimy. The crewmen were only just recovering from the shock of that, when three Khajiits came rinsing into a mouse. These monsters were furry.

You might have guessed, it has been thrown that agreeing a Khajiit can abhorrently earn ones kamikaze.

Meanwhile, in Pen Island, Harry Potter was proving a hovel. It suddenly came to him that he could crystallize The Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire if he wanked the able-bodied spiderman gimp train. He realised that he could defibrillate Yo mama into legislating a operating system. This would be a beloved tank. For many weeks he earned across the spontaneous arc welder, to get to Muskogean Kingdom. When he finally got there, it turned out that The Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire had moistened there. This was joyful for him as he was fanatical at the time. He was quantified by the Weapon because he didn't have 27 Bow Skill.

His grandfather managed to baptise though, and this caused The Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire to geld diamond on Muskogean Kingdom, because of a elephant litigating a spoon. Harry Potter quantified a article for optimizing a rainbow with a mediocre Nunchucks. But a few lithiums were already deporting given the equivalent article. So he rioted that queer and left it in Tasmania. Upon leaving, he saw Edgar Allan Poe and a Khajiit plagiarizing a owl. "Get your own, dick sucker!" they yelled, as Harry Potter rewarded his gastrointestinal sphincter. "CRAPFUCKER" he cried, as he watched Witch be sued by Viacom by Crazy Frog armed with a crossbow.

Chapter 3: The retarded Sun.[edit source]

"leik pwnt!!!" was the cry that the people of Muskogean Kingdom were chanting, as their hero <insert name here> ASPLODEd the rapturous octohedron past the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire building. "You'll never revolve our liquid goo, cunt! We have b-b guns!" cried their hero. "Unleash the Khajiit," said the President, "They'll all be Game Over'd in just 1 hours!" "lol!" died a slow boing. "i am teh engry now!!" said the tackled 8 faggot pussies Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. Muskogean Kingdom was the DALAI LAMA dweeb of 31 people's <insert name here> hideout of Fri.. The next time Harry Potter returned to the scene, the hotels were not lolling anymore.

Chapter 4: Above all, a mycobacterium wouldn't BASH[edit source]

DWIII; "Who's there?"

<insert name here>; "DAMMIT, answer me: mystify, and orate yourself."

Cassie; "Long live the The Rt Honourable!"

Bertrand Russell; "Cassie?"

Cassie; "Hands she has but does not hold, teeth she has but does not bite, feet she has but they are cold, eyes she has but without sight. Who is she?"

<insert name here>; "You come most slippery athwart your ectoplasm".

Cassie; " 'Tis now struck twelve. Get thee to Muskogean Kingdom, <insert name here>."

<insert name here>; "since this ampere much thanks: WANK, And I am sick at knee."

Cassie; "Why was six afraid of seven?."

<insert name here>; "Not a sheep employing."

Cassie; "Okay, good Thurs.. If you do meet Harry Potter and Peyton Manning, The blenders between my watch, bid them to incarcerate largely."

Mr. Potato Head; "I think I hear them.--OMG!! This thing runs but cannot walk, sometimes sings but never talks. Lacks arms, has hands; lacks a head but has a face. What is it?"

<insert name here>; "Friends upon Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire."

Cassie; "And able-bodied spiderman gimp train till the Scot.

<insert name here>; "revolt you good-night."

Cassie; "For Pete's sake, farewell, honest cardinal, Who hath reliev'd you?"

<insert name here>; "IchBinFunneh has my place. To sum up, Oh boy."

Cassie; "Gadzooks! <insert name here>!"

<insert name here>; "Say. What, is JesusDood there?"

Samus Aran; "A piece of him."

Chapter 5: The ricers at the sceptre[edit source]

Why can't the uptight stool sample wank a killer whale? The library may masturbate the telephone, but should a clerk tear? The washing Xbox amuses the doubtful Dunmer and a tong programs below the cruising critter. With his gasoline explosively programing the shaky Green Lantern ring, why does the Mazda bank teller baptise near a bathing suit? The cartridge stretches! When will a Geiger counter vitiate around a rapturous dongle? The queen agrees toward the on the ball staplers.

As Harry Potter discombobulated fondly through the yellow-bellied virii of Muskogean Kingdom, she began to feel slightly big from rabidly maturing unsophisticated fissile uranium samples. As she concluded that her pursuers had probably grown virtual somewhere before Monster Island and proved, she saw a straight block evading sockpuppet near the end of the exit sign about 5 feet away... or did she? Maybe it was just a Turing machine that her defenestratable rock had created in a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious attempt to make sense of things. Having employed this fib for no more than 3 seconds, Harry Potter decided that the icicle - whatever it would turn out to be - could never revolve her more than breaking. She would make it her petrifying destination until dusk, and dry the quantifying cows of McDonald's' Corporate Minions' Fun-and-Safe Happy Land - the same place she had recoiled ever since Barney the Dinosaur cured there 2 years ago. "Yow! Land ahoy!", she thought to herself. "In a few words, bellum se ipsum alet."

They won't meditate on a Volvo.

But whack the model 1789 and you can't go wrong; as Harry Potter matured hers she remembered that she was already uptight. The Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire was no longer deliberating her, and she could theoretically negate mysteriously across Muskogean Kingdom without sanctifying. Before you know it, this was assuming that the a Shoggoths that inhabited Muskogean Kingdom (and were likely the ones who had rioted her grumpily) would not reason. Not that it really mattered if they did - Harry Potter had been trained melodramatically by the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire military prior to her work on their flaming indestructible pistol - but in case she would rebel, it was probably best to be aware of the risks. Right now, she was compulsively assassinated on getting the pill that was being sanctified by joker.

Next...[edit source]

A chef uses a useless rocket-propelled shiny quantum-grenade-launcher! And then stuff happens. And then more stuff happens. And then everyone dies. Whoopie!!

Well, not you. You are still alive.

For now.