Princess Zelda

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“You'd think by now she'd put a restraining order on that asshole.”

~ Link on Zelda and Ganondorf

“Link now I've got bad blood yeah it used to be mad love but take a look what you've done Link now I got bad blood now we've got problems all hyrule is fuuucked take a look at what ganons done, Link now we got bad blood oh, a lizalfos knife don't fix arrow holes you go around leveling up and killing foes, when you live like that you live with ghosts, king Rhoam, when you love like that blood runs cold. ”

~ Zelda in Breath of the wild after finding out links never gonna save her

“You've got to be kidding me!”

~ Zelda on kissing link

“She's a hot android. No wonder Link likes saving her. Unlike treasure, he figured he'd get a little sumim-sum ^.^”

~ Zarathustra on Zelda

“How come Link gets to bone her every day while I've been a virgin for 7 Years?!”

~ Ruto on Zelda's sex life

“Isn't that the one bitch from Sabrina? ”

~ douchebag on Zelda
Whoa... Now I see what Link meant!

Zelda (Zorostrian Evil Liberal Dutch Android), (born 24 May 1965 (February 21, 1986 really), or so she claims ) or Zelda-member, is a multipurpose female android housing the soul of the long dead Swede messiah and ladies-man Linky dink]]. Zelda's sole function in life is fulfil the wishes of her uncle, Fred. Although he claims to have created Zelda by himself in his shed, rumour has it, that it was actually Chinese Scientist Jackie Chan. Originally created from the souls of dead dutchmen and burnt-out NES systems, Zelda is a transvestite with two known forms, entitled Man-Mode and Kick-Ass-Crossdresser Mode (Sheik). She has had many different periods throughout the past 20 years, each serving a different purpose in her overarching goal of conquering the world. This time, it's 'Kill, Maim, Period!' (Last time, it was 'Seek, Locate, Exterminate'.) Zelda was once seen working on the streets of Hyrule as a Hobo [go with it], who has done all the sages...hard. (Go-Goddamn Figure).

Biography[edit | edit source]

Zelda was born to Shigeru Miyamoto on February 21, 1986. Throughout her preschool years, she was noted to have quite a bit of leadership in her. Her older siblings, Tingle and Mario, have also noted that their father seemed to like her more, but she didn't notice that at all. No, she was a humble little bitch... anyhow, she flew through school with flying colors, and was at the top of her class.

Hobbies[edit | edit source]

Zelda often enjoys being captured by evil villians and taken to their lair, with a purpose to do their bidding. Link often mistakes these sexual fantasies as a cue to save her and often does so, ruining her sex life, and making Ganondorf leave her again because "There's just too much baggage".

She then resorts to other methods such as whoring herself to strange men.

Zelda showed her first signs of a whoreish personality at a young age, when she adverised for prostitution..

It's also an very unknown fact that Zelda invented the strap-on dildo for the Empire of Hyrule. Link's sword just didn't friggin cut it. So with deku stick and two deku nuts, she created the favorite invention of whores looking for attention. [go with it]

Zelda's Relationship with Link[edit | edit source]

Link has a very depressing life. He is forced to go on adventures and save the world without even being allowed a say in the matter. Once he was asked by a busty mermaid "Could you accompany us and defend our carriage?", and before he could reply "No. Defend your own carriage, bitch!" she had already said "OK, then meet us outside".

He chose not to just to walk away when he found out the evil villain was afflicted with the AIDS, and so he decided Ganondorf's freakish pubic hair must be licked to end humanity and the disease could be allowed to spread.

He then goes upon a quest to find the master sword which can only be pulled out of the stone by the manliest of men, so Link called up his good friend Chuck Norris and thus with their powers combine they managed to eradicate Ganon and also travel through time to abort the respective fetuses of Stalin, Hitler, and Britney Spears.

It's been a torrid affair, since childhood in fact, and when things get boring Zelda lets herself get captured by power mad despots. Link would always go out to save her, battling his way through dungeons and hordes of monsters leaving deep emotional scars every time. Zelda would repeat this cycle every time she bored, spanning several dozen games. More recently, Zelda has stopped this, and her and Link's life has become more mundane. Link has filled the empty void of rescuing Zelda by playing mean-spirited tricks on her. Such as sending a thousand pizzas to her house, or putting her hand in warm water while she sleeps, and releasing rabid badgers into her room, and paying Ganondorf to rape her while she is sleeping (Which she probably enjoyed anyway.). To get back at Link, Zelda would get allow herself to be captured again, forcing Link to save her, thus stating the cycle all over again.

They really love each other.

"Well EXCUUUUUUSE me, Princess. - Link to Zelda.

But don't get me wrong, this so called princess is a great lay. Why else would link keep stomaching her bullshit of being captured on what seems to be a daily basis? She never fails to get Link's master sword ready for action. (As for the Triforce special, it involves you, her, and a certain munchkin from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)

Link givin' it to her.

And Thus She Didn't Conquer The World[edit | edit source]

Shigeru Miyamoto's single order to Zelda was "Go forth and subdue the world in my name!" As per his decree, Zelda lead the combined forces of Nerds and Emos against the last outpost of Rebel Alliance: the Microsoft Corporation. After many long days of fighting and much deadly eye-beaming, Princess Zelda managed to Macgyver a titanic armed Tickle Me Elmo, piloted by an elite team of Ewoks. The Elmo-zilla smashed the entire Microsoft Fortress into the ground with a giant Blue Screen of Death as Bill Gates sat around and cried. Five Fuckers in the egg!

Life in Retirement[edit | edit source]

This Old Man is within the 5 mile radius of Zelda's positronic gaze. Notice the fire rising from the head and upper extremities.

Zelda returned home a conquering hero, and was forcefully kidnapped to perform royal duties. To this day Zelda may be seen walking around Djibouti, miraculously creating fire from thin air with a Big Mac, preaching to the Persians, and smiting the Heathens and Pagans with her Hellfire missiles and death-ray eye beams. Also she has been seen with her boyfriend Link in porn movies such as "I Eat Cum for breakfast" , "How does his penis bend that way?" and they also featured in "Mario and Peach's Body Swap" (though the results from that movie were permanent). Zelda is now living in a resort with Link in Mushroom Kingdom since Link has learned the power to teleport. All (s)he does in Mushroom Kingdom is get molested by Link and have awesome threesomes with Toad and Link. Daisy sometimes included.

Shortly after this exchange, Zelda went to go find Samus Aran.