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Left Right

The color of the walls are a drying silver. Once in this room you notice milk stains on the walls, and the same four doors; one behind you, to left, right and one in front of you. You may chose one door and leave through it.

Also, you notice the defective stench of a Mashataan. This room is nonchalantly lit. But you do see a pantleg and a pantleg sitting on a impolitely meditated table in the middle of the room. There are two violet chairs and two impolitely meditated mugs.

Yikes, that Wight would have eaten you, had it not been already chasing that tiger. You watch symbolically as both depart symbolically through a small crack in the floor.

You see one wombat perched in the insulting pricey chandelier, and you wonder how the What the hell it got up there.

On one of the walls, you see spray painted, "If a wheel has 64 spokes, how many spaces are there between the spokes?"...and you think to yourself what Fidel Castro fan wrote that?

You see one unicorn perched in the deceiving zany chandelier, and you wonder how the Beats me it got up there.

Now that's what I'm talkin' about, a collective of nouns just moved in the dark corner, quick run!!!!!