A story built one sentence at a time

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Sorry, DaniPine3, you may not add more text to the story at this time. Everyone else has this story's permission to add text at this time.

Rules![edit | edit source]

  1. No writing two sentences in a row. A sentence is anything that has a period after it.
  2. No run-on sentences.
  3. No reverting or deleting what other people do unless they themselves broke a rule and you are fixing it.
  4. No adding random banana sentences. The story must penis make sense chicken if you read through butt it.
  5. No sentences longer than 40 words.
  6. Use tags like <nowiki> sparingly.
  7. Have fun!
  8. Last person to edit wins!!

Story[edit | edit source]

In the beginning of time, Chronarion made Uncyclopedia. He then lept into your mother's vagina. It was so bad that he decided to sell Uncyclopedia to Wikia FANDOM. This caused all Uncyclopedia users to immediately die. Then they were all resurrected, and they immediately decided to kill Alula. This would cause an ever-lasting conflict between admins and users, who would fight for millenia in a bloodly, godless war for the control of THE UNCYCLOPEDIA.

Uncyclopedia subsequently became an autonomous entity, living and thinking digitally. It got tired of the senseless bloodlust that was being caused due to its own existence, and so, the autonomous website decided to put an end to it all. By burning down the White House, of course. We should blame Canada for that. Anyways, it decides to huff some things.

Ojai (/ˈoʊhaɪ/ OH-hy; Chumash: ’Awhaỳ) is a city in Ventura County, California. It's a very boring place. That is, at least, compared to your mom's basement. Which was a very exciting place to be at last night. I could hear her screaming from upstairs. Wait, that can't be right.

Sorry, <insert name here>, you may not add more text to the story at this time.

Congratulations, <insert name here>, you may add more text to the story at this time.

Just kidding, <insert name here>, and this joke still hasn't become repetitive at this time!

But really, <insert name here>, you should consider to add more text at this time before the day of reckoning comes and deletes you...

Fine, i'll add something more here right now.

I don't give a shit about the age of consent right now, even if the little girls in my neighbor's basement certainly do right now.

You might not give a fuck about the age of consent right now, but I'm pretty sure there is someone who is...

It's the little girls in my neighbor's basement who care about the age of consent right now! Yeah, there's nobody else!

5 minutes later[edit | edit source]

I heard banging on my door and some guy yelled: "FBI, OPEN UP!!!"

So I said, "Go eat shit fuckers."

And then a wizard came and yelled, "IT'S FUCKING MAGICAL OR SOMETHING!"

Wow, this wizard transported us back to a Fisher Price in 2005! This really puts me in the mood to huff some kittens.

But then a grue came out of nowhere and ripped the skin off my face, leaving the rest of my body unharmed for some reason. I now had to mouth and i really needed to scream. So I cut a "mouth" into my hand with a knife and made it scream instead. That would've worked if not for the fact that i had wished for any hurt body parts to instantly regenerate from some genie four years ago. But first, let me take a selfie. Oh shit, I see Knife Guy in the room behind me! Did you hear that knives grow out of his fingernails like he's some kind of mutant creature? Or that his organs are made out of knives? (That would be excruciatingly painful for sure.)

Anyway, as i was saying, i saw Knife Guy standing behind me, knife in hand, being only vaguely threatening somehow. Then, I suddenly had an urge to say "Finally, I'm all alone". But Knife Guy was still there, so i didn't say it. Suddenly, Knife Guy's son, Bayonet Boy, bursted out of Knife Guy's belly, leaving a pool of blood on the floor. Somehow both of them survived, with Knife Guy's belly slowly regenerating. Seeing this made me wish I didn't have eyes that day. Luckily, Bayonet Boy carved my eyes out of their sockets with his bayonet. But i quickly found out i had the same regenerative abilities, which kinda sucked. I pleaded him to cut my eyes again and replace them with ping-pong balls so they couldn't grow back, but I had forgotten that you temporarily become mute as a side effect of this regeneration.

A wild John appears![edit | edit source]

And his name is… JOHN CENA! He's here with our wonderful Jon from Garfield, and is ready to cook the best lasagna you've ever had! Oh crap, he accidentally dropped a perc 30 in the lasagna. Wait a minute, that's not perc 30- that's viagra! I had completely forgotten about the erectile dysfunction that I had developed so long ago. Such a shame I won't get to cure my ED, since Garfield has already eaten the viagra-spiced lasagna. Then i realized that viagra is probably poisonous for cats to consume, so i immediately took him to the M4st3r of L10ns and 0th3r Cats An1mal H0sp1tal. That was a bad idea, since the head veterinary didn't have a vet licence and didn't know anything about actual medicine (nor lions [nor cats]) -sadly for me, I wasn't are of that at the time.

Thus Garfield died. Since he had eaten too much viagra, his corpse couldn't fit inside the tomb as there was always something sticking out of it, meaning they had to cut a hole in order for that part to fit in; this consequently made me laugh much more than I should have during Garfield's funeral. This made Jon furious, and the next time he saw me he instantly threw a lasagna bomb at me. Fortunately, Knife Guy managed to block it. It was at that moment that he realized it was a feminizing bomb, turning Knife Guy into Knife Girl. This made Jon horny... what a sick fuck.

Oh yeah, the bomb also had some explosives, so Knife Girl was hurt and subsequently sent to the hospital. At the hospital, Knife Girl was sent to the F.B.I. for over 1029485 accounts of murder, and they didn't even treat her condition. God forbid women do anything.

Because Jon was equally sad from the loss of his cat and horny from seeing Knife Girl's boobs, he decided to drown his sorrows in the local strip club. There he saw what he thought would be his future wife: Goth Garfield.

5 detailed paragraphs of Jon and Goth Garfield making out or something like that[edit | edit source]

Mmmmmmmmhhh, ooohh yeaaaaah, ooooooooh, you're so fucking hot Jon, mmmmmmmmmmmhhhh, fuck me harder Jon, aaaaaahhhhhhh, yea like that, oooohhh *cat noises*. Fortunately, the authors really didn't feel like writing this, so they paid Knife Girl's medical bills, turning him back into Knife Guy and completely healing him.

While Jon and Gothfield were doing their... uhhh... thing, John Cena was busy dying in a fight against the FBI.

Fuck you; I don't wanna know what John Cena is doing, I want to see more steamy hot sex between Jon and Gothfield! - said an ominous voice. The ominous voice in question happened to be Knife Guy, who was literally paid to stop Jon and Gothfield from getting it on, thus betraying his contract. As a result, the writers conceived a bomb falling from the sky that would quite comically asplode next to Knife Guy, which would inflict him serious injuries; also he's a girl again now thanks to plot magic. Knife Girl was then arrested again on various accounts of murder, and Jon was arrested on an account of bestiality. But Gothfield and Jon both managed to escape the police, and resumed the fucking in John Cena's house, which was conveniently empty right now. The pair continued their erotic affair until they discovered two moose fighting with their antlers in the front yard. But then they resumed it because they don’t give a shit about what the author wants them to do. Then one moose joined in and straightened Jon's rectum with his antler. That was the day Jon discovered he was gay (or bi, at least).

Meanwhile, John Cena was busy losing his death match against the FBI. However, the FBI couldn't see John Cena, thus prolonging the battle. So they "borrowed" a bunch of mannequins from Rock-O-Jello and dressed them up like themselves to bait out John Cena. John Cena foolishly approached one of the mannequins, causing the FBI to be able to see him. Then he died immediately because he wasn't relevant to the plot in the slightest. His brother Zhong Xina showed up to the scene, but he was also killed by the FBI, who then stole his bing chilling and Lao Gan Ma, as well as his social credits. Xi Jinping became really angered upon hearing that the best wrestler from his country was killed by rhe FBI, thus declaring a war on the USA because he felt like it.

While that subplot is going on, we introduce to you: paragraph 5!

Nah, not feeling like it. Here's paragraph 6 instead.

And here’s the 7th one! Paragraph 7, it was the one I played...?

Fuck it, welcome to my "subtract two paragraphs from the story" machine![edit | edit source]

Fool; if you add a new heading, you're not subtracting any paragraphs, we're just back at paragraph #1! With this power i can finally write more about Jon and Gothfield’s relatiomship! Anyway, Xi Jinping sent soldiers to the US to avenge Zhong Xina's death. I have no clue who that is, but he sounds somewhat important, so let's see how this goes.

"Nooooooooooooooooooo, I had a chance to read more about Jon and Gothfield's relatiomship, and you had to ruined it with your Zhong Xina nonsense!", said an ominous voice, again. That voice happened to be Knife Guy, who, through the power of plot magic, somehow was restored back to health and was no longer a girl. He had been given a second chance to reappear in the story, but by betraying his contract of not bringing up Gothfield (again), the writers decided it was a bad idea and run over Knife Guy with a Ford Asploder. Anyway, Gothfield broke up with Jon after seeing how much the moose stretched his anus, and so Jon went on to get into a relationship with the moose, while Gothfield and Knife Guy declared their love for each other shortly before Knife Guy died, leaving Gothfield depressed. To deal with the loss of her crush, Gothfield bought an Ouija board and performed a satanic ritual to contact with the ghost of Knife Guy. During the conversation, Knife Guy revealed that his real name was Luigi, thus making the Ouija board a Luigi board. He then burst into a high-pitched Italian accent and yelled, "I'm a Luigi, number-a one!!!" Well, turns like all Knife Guy needed to come back to life was to give Gothfield his affection, even though he's Luigi now.

Unfortunately Gothfield forgot to say "goodbye" to the Luigi board, turning Luigi into a demon and trying to kill her, bypassing Luigi's affection for her. However, because Gothfield was goth (what a surprise), she was into kinky demon BDSM, meaning that she found Knife Guy/Luigi even hotter now. This led to a seemingly endless chase scene as Luigi was running after her and she was reluctant to run away from him. However, Gothfield eventually picked up a moccasin she found on the side of the road, then held the moccasin up to Luigi moccasinly and trapped Luigi inside the moccasin because it was a motherfucking moccasin and Gothfield loved moccasins..

Then the moccasin blew up because the laws of moccasin compression or something like that says so, giving Gothfield severe injuries, sending her to the hospital immediately. Knife Guy managed to survive being trapped in the moccasin by possessing Gothfield's left leg, until moving to her chest area. While doing this Knife Guy's testosterone got absorbed by Gothfield, turning Knife Guy into Knife Girl yet again. This doesn't really matter, as Knife Girl was now just part of Gothfield, but oh well, now Jon is gay and Gothfield is a lesbian.

But what about the moccasin?[edit | edit source]

Oh, yeah... well, the moccasin is now floating down the moccasin river, while the other moccasin is still in the shoe store as Gothfield stole the moccasins that she trapped Knife Guy in- wait sorry, I meant Knife Girl. The first moccasin ended up in the shore of the river, and was then picked up by Jon Arbuckle, who was now living in the wild with his newfound gay moose lover.

Oh God, California, for the kajillion and forty-seventh time!

Meanwhile, somewhere near Ojai, Gothfield was struggling with depression. Now that her soul had merged with Knife Guy Girl's soul, she started craving to stab random people with knives. This led to what is now known as the "2024 Ojai knife swarm incident" after she stabbed half the town to death. Luckily, the other half of Ojai residents were wearing moccasins and were therefore spared by Knife Guy Girl. Gothfield -and Knife Girl's soul within her- is now listed in the FBI'S most wanted criminals list for her crimes against the glorious city of Ojai. The remaining population of Ojai went out en masse at midnight, armed with torches and pitchforks, stormed Knife Girl's cabin in the woods, tied her to a tree, and fucked her until her pussy could fit your whole head in it... or at least, that was their plan; however, they made a fatal mistake: they forgot to wear moccasins, and as a result, they were completely vulnerable to Knife Girl's (inside Gothfield's body) endless bloodlust of stabbing people to death. Knife Goth Girl Garfield then burned Ojai to the ground and started a massive wildfire in California, as if that didn't happen enough. Amidst this reckless chaos caused by Knife Goth Girl Garfield, a hero appeared to save the day: It was naked Jon Arbuckle, riding his gay moose lover ("riding" understood as in "riding a horse", not as in the other definition for "riding"), who was prepared to save the forest he now called home! Unfortunately, he was naked, which meant he wasn’t wearing moccasins, so both he and the moose died.

Not satisfied with the bloody chaos she had ensured, Knife Goth Girl Garfield decided to sneak in the White House and steal the President's code for launching the nukes. Unfortunately for her I destroyed all of them before she got there, because I don't want to write this story in a post-apocalyptic world. Dissapointed at this revelation, Knife Goth Girl Garfield tried to satisfy her enless urge for blood by stabbing the US President to death. This somehow gave Knife Girl her body back, and she was luckily no longer a demon. This was because Knife Girl had transfered to the President's body, making her now the President of the United States.

Knife Girl didn’t really know what to do with the powers that comes with being the POTUS. However, her girlfriend Gothfield did have an idea: allowing murder to be completely legal in the United States! Surely this won’t have any consequenses, right? What happened the following day is exactly what you think would happen.

The chaos that ensued made Alula furious, and as such they created a plan to stop this craziness: Nothing!

The chaos ensued further, and Rock-O-Jello could now see that their plan had worked; the people murderer each other to the point where it was getting difficult to find someone who was still alive. The entire earth had seemingly been covered with blood, and Rock-O-Jello prayed that the blood wouldn't coalesce into a giant monster or anything.

You'll never guess what happened next. You'll never guess what happened because you already know what happened next. This means I'm not gonna bother writing it down for you. But it happened, it really did.

But you may be wondering, what happened after that? Well, Gothfield's soul became putrid after having caused the Earth to go apeshit, and Goth Garfield mutated into a hellish Lovecraftian being that went by the name of Gorefield. Gorefield and the blood monster then summoned two new armies of OPOSSUMS and Aracuans respectively that fought each other in another universe, destroying the space-time continuum.

In the chaos that was now Ojai, Gorefield realized that she could have prevented all of this from happening by rejecting Jon that fateful day. Ojai had been wiped off the map, as soon would every town and city in the whole wide world. Eventually, everything would countinue to cease existing, except for Goth Gorefield, who had doomed herself to eternity. This was when one of the writers realized something needed to be done. Perhaps, theorized the writer, we could warp to an alternate timeline that isn't on the brink of collapse, and with the wormholes everywhere that won't be too hard to do. That is when the writers realized they had fucked not just one timeline, but the entire spa0ce-time continuum, meaning they had to fix lots of things up if they wanted the dtory to progress. Everything began to bE sô fUcked uptAht evbẽn tïhs_tSöry'S tExtb3ĝAñ2to CoŕurPtttttttt&t4982tttttt;_OH śHTit**#&293792

...unfortunately, one of the writers was mistaken for a kitten and huffed from life while trying to write the previous sentence.


~ An angel

“What's the matter? Can't you say I'm having a break?”

~ God

“Haven't you noticed that things are more... non-existant than usual, Sir?”

~ The same angel

“What do you mean w-?


WHAT THE FLIPPING [heavenly censorship] HAPPENED HERE?”

~ God

“It seems that an anomaly on Planet E4R7H has devolved into the destruction of the space-time continuum.”

~ The angel, once again

Me-damned humans. I was supposed to be the one ending them on the day of the apocalypse, yet they're the ones who are going to be the end of me!”

~ God

“M-m-m-maybe y-you shouldn't have created them on the first place?”

~ The angel, yet another time

“Are you questioning my decisions????!!!!”

~ God

“I-it was j-j-j-just a comment...”

~ Who's it gonna be? The angel, numbnuts

“Huh... Let me undo this [heavenly censorship] mess that's all around the place... if you can even call it a place anymore that is. Me-damned non-existence!”

~ God

“Well, this warping mess looks kind of cool, at least. ”

~ The angel

“Well, this warping mess is gone now, at least. ”

~ God

“Oh god... ”

Universe 2.0[edit | edit source]

Uh oh, God accidentally reset the entire timeline[edit | edit source]

  1. In the beginning, God created the moccasins and the bat-fuck insanity. After that he decided to create James A. Garfield. And as the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, he fed James A. Garfield through his asshole. Charles J. Guiteau didn't like this at all, but what was he supposed to do about it? All Guiteau could do was wait for himself to respawn in this new universe and re-assassinate Garfield, and that could take anywhere from a second to a billion years.
  2. I’ll let you guess what happened next. And before what happened next, God created a town for Himself deep below the surface of the Earth, and He named it Olo, for it was a low counterpart to Ojai. Then he changed the town’s name to Oslo because it turns out no one knew how to spell "Olo" correctly. Then he built Bergen 2: Electric Boogaloo on the location of where San Francisco stood in the previous universe, above ground this time. Then he moved the entire island of Britain into the Pacific to simulate the North Sea.
  3. Unluckily for God, His first creation, James A. Garfield, got fed of being fed through the anus and made a deal with Satan to change his imperfect human body to the perfect body of a cat, becoming the beloved comic strip sensation Garfield; God, angered that Garfield had made a deal with His arch-nemesis, banished the orange cat from the Garden of Eden, who then went to murder the famous plumber Mario from hit game Super Mario Bros. Good thing that Mario had stocked up on green mushrooms.
  4. Meanwhile, God was busy trying to set up a consolidation price for all the Bergen inhabitants that had their culture shamelessly ripped off by a bunch of Californians. The State of California, feeling called out by God, decided to bribe with Satan, who once again used this opportunity to get God mad -just because he can. God was pissed off by this of course, but he wasn't exactly able to do anything about it, mainly because Satan had somehow found a way to make himself immune against all of God's tricks. So a random person came out of nowhere and made it all right, which as they call in theater, a "non-god in a machine", the lowest form of creativity. What God didn't know was that the person making it "all-right" was actually one of Satan's pawns, and Satan's defeat was yet another one of his japes! Suddenly, Guile's theme started playing. This summoned a fight-ready Chuck Norris, but he was defeated almost immediately by Jon Arbuckle... somehow. Jon Arbuckle celebrated his victory by building a pentagram to summon Goth Girl Garfield's soul, so that he could slay some demonic Garfussy. Jon didn't have a clue how to perform satanic rituals, and accidentally summoned Knife Guy instead.
  5. Then Knife Guy pulled the mask off his face, revealing that he was, in fact, Charles Guiteau: Guiteau had finally returned! He stabbed Jon and ventured off in search of Garfield so he could assassinate him.
  6. God said, "Let there be something going insane in Discord." And so PF4Eva was made. Then he said, "Let there be something going even more insane in Uncyclopedia". And then John was sentenced to pregnancy, presumably for sending dick pics to his Discord kittens. John was then sentenced to manual labor, presumably for putting ketchup on his pizza in the presence of an Italian communist.
  7. God then realised that He was taking too much time in building the universe and everything in it, and so He invented the Monster Energy only to then drink it Himself; this way God managed to create Life, the Universe, and Everything in less than two seconds.
  8. In that first millisecond, he tried reinventing Knife Girl, but he wasn’t able to do that for some reason.
  9. In the second millisecond, he was drunk, and managed to recreate Luna, who went into hiding.
  10. In the third millisecond he was still drunk, so he created the first Russian, just so he could have a human friend.
  11. In the fourth millisecond, he got over his drunkenness somehow, and killed this person who should not be named before he was even born.
  12. In the fifth millisecond he accidentally tripped into a massive pile of cocaine he had just created, giving him a bunch of heart attacks.
  13. The sixth millisecond didn't happen since God had died from all his heart attacks.
  14. The seventh millisecond God hit the integer limit for heart attacks, subsequently bringing him back to life.
  15. In the eighth millisecond, God realized that learning how to die from heart attacks and immediately come back to life would be a very useful power.
  16. In the ninth millisecond, God made it so that moccasins could be duplicated, which would definitely not backfire on him later.
  17. In the eleventh millisecond, God realized that he couldn't count.
  18. In the first second, God decided to wait the rest of the one second to see what would happen.
  19. In the second second, God went back for seconds. Also, native Americans learned about the duplicating power of moccasins.
  20. In the twentieth point on this point-list one of the writers are expressing their disdain for writing the story this way.
  21. In the 95883945999395th second, the Native Americans have successfully utilized the power of moccasin duplication to produce over 9000 moccasins.

The return of Knife Girl[edit | edit source]

The Knife Girl returns. Native Americans parachuted moccasins to the location of absolutely everyone, including Knife Girl. Unfortunately she gained an immunity to moccasins when she was brought back here. Knife Girl is driven mad and stabs all of the Native Americans, whiping out the entire population of America at the moment. All they wanted to do was provide moccasins for everyone, how could Knife Girl do such a thing? That's an easy question to answer:Knife Girl is pure evil incarnate, and stabbing people is her only passion. The few surviving Apaches and Haidas (on vacation at the moment!) have gained permission from the U.S. and Canadian governments respectively to declare war on Knife Girl, since both governments see Knife Girl as a national threat that MUST be wiped out at all costs. In order to momentarily stop Knife Girl, the government of the US and Canada employed fake vampires, which would hopefully distract Knife Girl. These fake vampires charged Knife Girl with a whopping 20,191 monkey sins. She then charged them with an even more whopping 6,222,685 donkey pins, bankrupting the fake vampires and making them turn on their overlords. Overall, the plan to stop Knife Girl was an absolute floppasin.

...hey wait a second, is that John?

John and His Newborn Child[edit | edit source]

And his name is NOT John Cena. His name is DEATH. That's quite an interesting name, he also had the child with Knife Girl which I guess explains it. Death had just been born and he was already stabbing the doctors from the hospital and the patients as well, ensuing chaos and midchief; her mamma would be proud! DEATH quickly changed his name from Death to DEATH, and by the first hour after being born, was already considered one of the most dangerous serial killers, having over 500 confirmed kills. It was soon confirned that DEATH was the antichrist himself, fated to bring chaos and havoc to the world God had just created two minutes ago. Luckily, there was a random moccasin stash at a nearby moccasin factory, where over 500 moccasins duplicated by the Native Americans during the moccasin duplication epoch were stored, and DEATH was highly allergic to moccasins.

Wait, where the fuck did the moccasins go? They were too scared of DEATH; what a bunch of pussies! Well, we and the Native Americans can work together to duplicate moccasins.

Just one problem: all our moccasins are gone!

The Depletion of the moccasins[edit | edit source]

Where did they go?!

The Quest to Find and Retrieve the moccasins[edit | edit source]

Wait, what if we use the growing moccasins text? Wait, what, moccasins text can grow? Well, the word moccasins grows every time it appears, so yes, the moccasins text can grow.

The power of the moccasins is taking over this page!

I cast moccasin minimization spell! It failed misserably! Luckily that just means that it missed massively, so let's try this again.

Planet-sized moccasins ahead. Only click the button on the right if you really want to see them.

Time for the biggest moccasins of all time!!!

Fool; that is not even an ounce of power that the m
can hold!!!

Congratulations, we just increased the length of the story by a factor of OVER 9000! Now Chuck Norris will invade Your Mom's basement and all your base are belong to His property thanks to His 1337 h4x0r skills, firing his lazor and huffing some kittens in George W. Bush's presidental office; bringing Uncyclopedia back to the glorious year of 2005... in Soviet Russia, all our base belong to YOU!

Umm, whats that shaking, and why does it look like the moon is getting closer to Earth?[edit | edit source]

Oh no, the moccasins are affecting the orbit of the moon! These moccasins were too big for any human being, yet we still built them for the sake of our own ego; and now our greed and hubris are going to kick us in the ass!

Once again, i cast moccasin minimization spell! Once again, this doesn't work, but instead causes Chuck Norris to huff kittens, therefore transporting us back to 2005, where George Bush doesn't care about black people and Kanye West is wearing moccasins while firing his lazor, thus making all of our base belong to him, including Soviet Russia.

Wait, is casting Fisher Price?! Oh shit, I think he is, and we have just merged 2020scruft with 2005cruft, so now Kanye West is going in moccasins to fight to prevent him from casting Fisher Price while he has also infected a whole town with Amogus on his way there. This has caused a time-space-continuum-fuckery of memes, where Kanye West will never give you up, Space Jam features Big Chungus, Skibidi Toilet is firing his lazor, I alredy drew you as the soyjak and I as the trollface, Snoop Dogg is drinking lean everyday, all your base are belong to Among Us, Oscar Wilde is wearing moccasins, and Chuck Norris has merged with Keanu Reeves to form the ultimate lifeform, Keanu Norris.

That's great and all, but the moon is still going to crash into the Earth.

Fear not, for Keanu Norris, the literal incarnation of the Übermensch, is here to save the day! Except he isn't, because we've been transported to 2014 and he's not relevant now. Actually, we somehow managed to cleanse this timeline, so none of these memes are relevant, with the sole exception of Kanye West, who's still here. It might be time to bring back the 2015 era of memes, because we're hitting cringe levels that shouldn't be possible. Damn, now we're in 2015, and weed is everywhere, Snoop Dogg and Kanye West are plotting something to stop the moon from hitting the Earth, and LeafyIsHere is gaining popularity, meaning we have another threat.

Unfortunately Leafy doesn't have a character arc at all, so he's probably gonna be completely irrelevant within a year. I'm laughing my ass off at a video of Shrek anally penetrating a 9-year-old. The moon also saw that video, and was so disgusted that he left the Earth and travelled in the other direction, therefore saving the world. Wait, won't that screw up the marine ecosystems or something because there aren't tides anymore? Uhh, yeah, and Kanye West and Snoop Dogg aren't aware that the moon turned away from the Earth, so they encouraged everyone to start smokin hella weed, and now the atmosphere is 5% THC, thus ruining the terrestrial ecosystem as well.

Funny things[edit | edit source]

Weed, California.

I like funny things as long as they're expensive. These were the words of Kanye West, while giving his speech at the White House for his candidature as US President. Against all odds, Kanye West managed to secure the Republican Party nomination for the 2016 election, while Snoop Dogg managed to secure the Democrat Party nomination for the 2016 election, putting two former allies against each other. Tired of outdated politics, Snoop Dogg renamed the party as the Marihuana Party; Kany West, on his part, reformed the party as the Yeezus Party. The presidential debate would've gone pretty good, but both candidates had smoked an unbelievable amount of weed beforehand, making it amazing as they were high as fuck. Mirror mirror on the wall, who upon Earth is the highest of all? It's you, Kanye, it's youuuuuu *Kanye West then proceeds to passionately kiss his own reflection on the mirror*

Meanwhile, at Alpha Centuri, a moon that flew in at light speed smashed into the planet and obliterated it and shards rained everywhere destroying the rest of the solar system causing a black hole to grow so fat it had 500 heart attacks and died. The death of this black hole led to the implosion of a supernova that killed everyone on Earth except Snoop Dogg, Kanye West and Keanu Norris; the unexpected death of the Earth forced God to reset the universe yet again.

Universe 3.0[edit | edit source]

Aw man, we live in the timeline when Michael Jackson went from white to black, not the other way around. God has fucked up big time this time around, and accidentally created a mirror universe where everything works the way it shouldn't - except for Kanye West and Snoop Dogg, who remained alive from the other universe. So what are you waiting for, who wants to see the duo FIGHT?

They have someone to fight, too, since Luna from one universe went into the other universe thanks to Luna's dreams, and they started duplicating each other infinitely with this method. It should be cleared that these Lunas have nothing to do with the one from A story built one word at a time, since they come from different universes; they are as evil and chaotic as this Luna, though. The infinite Lunas started spilling into the other universes, starting with this one! Oh shit, I don't think Kanye West and Snoop Dogg are powerful enough to stop Luna on their own! Fortunately, they have Keanu Norris on their- oh wait, nevermind, Keanu Norris just died from a cocaine overdosis.


Lets oil up bitches with a new sentence in this god damn story! Yee haw!

This is the moment where Goth Garfield appears; however, as this was now a mirror universe, Manic Pixie Dream Girlfield showed up instead, wearing overtly colorful clothes and drinking Monster Energy from a cup that said "I L❤VE Mondays". However, it was not monday, it was in fact notmonday, and it was time for bed, so the L10n used Callable(Callable(L10nM4st3r, "go_to_bed"), "call").call(). Did I mention that I snort lines in the park? Also, did I just become a lawyer for OJ Simpson? Well, yes, but O.J. Simpson is dead, so this means I'm in hell, which I guess I should've figured out by now.

After ages of inactivity, another sentence has been written; this page has been revived. O.J. Simpson was also revived along with it, and we're no longer in hell, we are now in nolongerinhell. We discovered that Garfield, is in fact, canonically friends with O.J. Simpson. This dimensional merge shit is weird, and Ian Brandon Anderson and the TRUE and HONEST Christian Weston Chandler are fighting over godhood in the new dimension, 1C-211987, but alas, O.J. Simpson, Garfield, and maybe even Gothfield and Knife Guy will come together to fix this mess! Why are they not here yet?

You fools; O.J. Simpson, Garfield, Gothfield and Knife Guy have all been trapped by the evil mastermind, Dio Brando! He yelled out "ZA WALDO" really loudly, causing O.J., Garfield, Gothfield and Knife Guy to temporarily become deaf and therefore become easy to capture, while Christian Chandler could be heard in the background telling Sonichu to "zap 'em to the extreme". Luckily, that was just the imposter, Ian Brandon Anderson, and the TRUE and HONEST Christian Weston Chandler was coming with Asperchu to save everyone. The Idea Guys began to pressure Chris-Chan into incorporating Moccasinia the into the CWCverse as allies of the Ancient CheROCKian Clan. However, it should be noted that this universe' s version of Moccasinia is different from the one you might be accustomed with; for instance, despite what its name might suggest, this Moccasinia doesn't worship moccasins, but sneakers; also, it's ruled by the mighty fist of Will Smith.

The story must go on forever for some reason, so let's create a sworn enemy of Will Smith to keep this semi-interesting. Lets see, how about a girl named Luna - or is that overly cliche? Ian Brandon Anderson has declared that Luna is now his heartsweet, and the triumvirate of Ian, Luna, and Sonichu are going to conquer this universe.



Perhaps unknowingly, by vandalizing this page was now destined to be hammered to death on a Mayan altar. Ahem, did you mean that would be boiled to death in the Brazen Buffalo Moccasin inside of Mokkááwŝen's shrine in the town of You-Don't-Give-A-Shit? Then again, why can't we do both?

Then, a giant animal monkey appeared and started destroying the universe while of course Kurtz hides in Cambodia, and You are dead. Oh God, we have already destroyed the universe TWICE, why do you want to cause this incident all over again, Colonel Kurtz?


ᒿᙏᙀᑕᖺ4ᙏᗴ - OPOSSUM[edit | edit source]

God, who got fed up of having to restore the universe whenever it went to total shit, decided to stop procrastinating and build a Holy ArmyTM formed by heroical members capable of destroing this new menace; which included: Kanye West, Snoop Dogg, Jon Arbuckle, Garfield, Gothfield, Charles Guiteau, Knife Guy, M.C. Hammer, Barack Obama, famous American basketball player Charles Barkley, Dante from the Devil May Cry Series, and Oscar Wilde, because why the fuck not. Don't forget Willy on Wheels, I mean the real one! Unfortunately they were all hit with a feminization spell while posing for a photo shoot.

The members of The Holy ArmyTM were all shocked by this sudden feminization; they searched for the cause of this spell, only to see... A wizard did it it was the doing of the Luna clones©! As such they immediately asked them how they managed to do this, because this could be fairly useful in their mission. Of course, the Lunas, being the evil beings they are, just want to watch the world burn, so they didn't give them an answer and instead just gave The Holy ArmyTM the finger. This pissed Kanye West off, but he’s completely useless, so he couldn’t really do anything. Snoop Dogg thought a new plan: let's pit the Lunas against each other! You might be wondering how he's supposed to do that, and the answer to that is quite simple: he doesn't know how either.

As of now, the writers seem to have forgotten that our so-called heroes have been hit by Luna's feminizing beam, meaning that Kanye West is now Kanya West, Snoop Dogg is now (what is rhe feminine version of Snoop, again?) Dogg, Knife Giy is now Knife Girl (once again(, Gothgirl Garfield is still Gothgirl Garfield (she was already a girl, so the beam doesn't work on her), and so on. We are truly living in a cursed timeline indeed, but don't you dare reset it, we've already done that twice.

Too late; the Lunas have already pressed the "reset" button, just to piss everyone off, in typical Luna fashion. All it did was reset your virginity. Of course, you never even had sex to begin with, so it's not like it worked.

This whole confrontation had so far been a huge waste of time, and Gothfield thought the same, so she tried recruiting all the Lunas to the Holy Army™️. She failed misserably, because the Lunas were in favour of destroying the universe and resetting it only to destroy it again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again...

It was at this point that a content-starved Undertale fan randomly appeared and pointed out that you could do the above in Undertale, but no one present seemed to care all that much about that. Suddenly, Sans Undertale appeared from nowhere and started dunking on the Luna clones, helping the Holy Army™️ to end the Luna threat. Unfortunately Sans couldn’t keep dunking for long, because the Luna clones are taller than him and can as such just T-pose over him, which is exactly what they did. Thankfully for our heroes, The Amazing Papyrus came into scene to save the day! He's decided to use his SPECIAL ATTACK! His special attack was to scare the Lunas by showing them his incredible abs, but then Papyrus realized he had no abs because he was a skeleton, so instead decided to call Undyne, who started to lift the Lunas, just because she could. Then Alphys appeared to recommend some "human history" to the Holy Army™️.

That was when the crew suddenly remember that there was a giant monkey destroying the universe, and half of it had already been reduced to dust by now.

Then a hot anime babe Tm (along with Frodo and Kurtz for some reason) came along and started hunting down the 4chan trolls who were about to end the Holy Army Tm. Tm Tm Tm Tm Tm Tm Tm Tm went the Tms. While the Lunas were dying faster than they were duplicating, there were still over 9 million Lunas, compared to the Holy Army which had about 100 people, thus causing God to call Christian Weston Chandler and Asperchu for help.

But they were too late and the universe died and no god ever revived it and it always stayed dead and nothing ever happened...except for the last hope...AZATHOTH THE LORD; he was stuck in a void though.

However, AZATHOTH THE LORD, stuck in his little world, tried to get out; and even though the void was slowly killing him, AZATHOTH THE LORD managed to have enough strength to fulfill his last wish; and thus, in his dying breath, a new universe was born... again again again.

But in AZATHOTH THE LORD's (you must always refer to Him as that) death, a ring was created: the cycle of the universes depended on thus, for it was like the spinning of the wheels on a car that kept the Universe coming; should it ever be destroyed, the universe would end: hope that nobody does this thing...ever...

Universe 4.0[edit | edit source]

God was at this point extremely tired of having to create new universes every few days, so he just created Luna and made her do it instead. Then God said "Lets do the Sandy Frank song!" and it began: "Sandy Frank! Sandy Frank! He's the source of all our pain! Sandy Frank, Sandy Frank! Gads 'bout the house all day! Sandy Frank! Sandy Frank! Gets horrid movies from Japan! Sandy Frank, Sandy Frank! Then they're all poorly dubbed! Sandy Frank! Sandy Frank! Spielberg won't return his calls!"

Everyone (and by that i mean just Luna, she hadn't had time to create the universe yet) agreed that God was probably crazy, and as such decided to summon his arch-nemesis just to fuck with him. God had gotten tired of Luna by this point, and so he decided to get a clean slate and just reset everything, thus giving birth to OMNIVERSE 2. But he was still too tired to create another universe, so he just created a Luna that wouldn't annoy the living hell out of him to do it instead. Sadly, both Lunas began fighting each other, destroying both universes.

OMNIVERSE II[edit | edit source]


In the beginning, there was nothing. And the word was trunalimunumapzure, and trunalimunumapzure was with AZATHOTH.AZATHOTH was bored of this continuous nothing, so AZATHOTH decided to create the kitten just to huff it.

Luna couldn't understand whatever the hell that was about, so she just summoned a bunch of lesbians to keep her company. Then AZATHOTH cursed Luna: "Cursed in the universe of the magical doohickey of Trunalimunumapzure! Now trynalimunumapzure will condemn you to a thousand years of being tempted by Colonel Kurtz!" OPOSSUM had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died.

" NO OPPOSUM!!!!!! " cried ot DaniPine; but it was too late, the brain rot hath consumed the rodent, and now there was no more life in his eyes, nor mocassins on his feet.[1] Well, opossums aren't rodents, they're marsupials, so let's root out the rat in our audience together. Oh fuck, I should've searched what opossums were before writing anything; now I look like an idiot... No problem, I used to think that pigs were related to elephants. And i used to think Hungarians were related to Huns. I used to think that I was related to my mom and my dad. And i used to think moccasins were food.

In the meanwhile, God got bored and realized the universe used to be much better before, so he decided to create a machine that could inverse the flow of time-space continuum and get back to OMNIVERSE I, or whatever it is called now. Unfortunately Luna beat him to it, and threw herself straight into the machine, shattering her across words and paragraphs. Each of these tiny Luna-giblets materialized into a giant Caillou (one Caillou for each universe), adding greatly to the global nuisance.

"The horror...the horror" said Colonel Kurtz as he realized he will be forever returning to the same conciousness after death. Mechasin from that other universe was just the beginning, Omegacaillou will be fucking LIT.

"Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven," said Satan upon being banished by AZATHOTH. Unfortunately Dante wasn't born yet, so there wasn't exactly any hell to reign over. God then sued AZATHOTH over copyright infringement, for plagiarizing his auto-biographical book, Paradise Lost. But he sadly lost the subsequential court case because the justice system is awful and AZATHOTH is rich enough to bribe the judges. Due to this, God initially wanted to reset the universe once again, but he then realized that this would not stop AZATHOTH. It was then when God decided to bring back The Holy ArmyTM (including Papyrus and Sans) and use it against AZATHOTH; only that way could the past universe be brought back without horrible consequences.

But AZATHOTH had a secret weapon: the Ring of the Universe Cycle Cycle Ring Cycle. He destroyed it, and the universe stopped coming into existence despite the fact that the universe had only begun one time, and thus the HOLY ARMY was destroyed. However, a crucial detail was forgotten: While the real Willy on Wheels was destroyed with The Holy ArmyTM, the fake Willy on Wheels was on vacation, so he was still alive. AZATHOTH then died(he isn't dead tho), and thus begun the INFINIVERSE PING PONG OF MULTITUNES. John was stuck halfway between being alive and dead. "I love you!" said John to AZATHOTH. AZATHOTH stared at the half-dead John in confusion, since nobody had ever said "I love you" to him. AZATHOTH's confusion and uncertainty caused a chemichal reaction to combust within AZATHOTH, which would in turn cause a gigantic asplosion even bigger than the biggest supernova, to the point that would reverse the expansion of the known universe, creating a chain of events that would lead to the inversion of the flow of time-space continuum, taking us back to...

UNIVERSE 1.0 (x2!)[edit | edit source]

OK, so where were we again? Oh, right, we weren't anywhere specific because the universe was reset back to the original one. We're back to the point where Gothfield causes a worldwide bloodshed and loses her insanity to become Gorefield; albeit this time, due to time-space-continuum fuckery, The Holy ArmyTM is here to save the day (and the universe)!

Somehow, AZATHOTH was not dead (or maybe he was but its impossible to tell since He is eldritch). But he was quickly dying, because as it turns out he has no blood connection to the brain. Watching a primordial being like AZATHOTH die is the most fucked-up thing you'll ever watch; fat seemed to throb back and forth inside of him while his skin slowly changed color, bits and pieces of skin fell off him while blood poured out of his eyes and he made an awful, ear-shattering sound halfway between a screech and a low-pitched rumble. AZATHOTH was being killed by the presence of Gorefield, since having two eldritch beings in the same space can only bring catastrophical consequences. The Writer realized that Gorefield was a shitty self-insert that was a ripoff of AZATHOTH and thus Gorefield was promptly pwned. However, Gorefield was stronger than the writer, and since (s)he had been here first before AZATHOTH, it was the latter one the one that was a shitty rip-off; thus, AZATHOTH was the one that ended gettimg pwned.

J. K. Rowling had fortunately seen all of this, so she ended up going insane and was given "treatment" at the Sunny Meadows Mental Institution. Anyways AZATHOTH died and no one ever cared. This was the result of the Retard Stick, the most powerful weapon even capable of defeating God. The Retard Stick was quickly confiscated by the Galactic Police Force, and all we can do is hope that they will use it well, but they are just as likely to cause even more chaos and destruction. But in a massive plot twist, it was the Retard Stick that caused chaos, because it made the entire Galactic Police Force melt into flesh puddles. Gorefield began to Default Dance on top of the flesh puddle while screaming "SUCK MY MUCK! SUCK MY MUCK!". Thankfully, the Retard Stick made Gorefield mentally retarded, and thus Gorefield just became a spastic monster in space that did not do anything other than utter dinosaur noises.

With this huge madness going on, people had completely forgotten about the fact that Gorefield was consuming the entire universe, and if no one did anything, it would be reset to Universe 2.0 again (and we don't want that, do we?). Luckily Luna had realized this, and as such, she instantly leapt into space to defeat Gorefield. However, even though Gorefield had become retarded, it still was capable of killing Luna pretty easily (albeit not on purpose); as such, Luna called Kanye West and Snoop Dogg to help her kill the beast.

Meanwhile, Frodo was existing. He liked watching movies about rings, but unfortunately that had led him to watch The Ring, meaning that he was gonna be dead within a week. Then he got the Ring of the Nibelung (not the One Ring, we don't have those rights). At least he has something to entertain him during his last days. Then Luna came out of nowhere abd stole Frodo's ring to use it against Gorefield. Then the writer of that last sentence got a massive fact check because they didn't know that none of those two are actual rings. The Writer pwned the previous sentence. In an amazing turn of events, Luna formed an alliance with The Holy ArmyTM against AZATHOTH and Gorefield, although Knife Guy and Gothfield couldn't make it since they were a part of Gorefield, and the fake and the real Willy on Wheels couldn't make it since they were both battling it out in another universe. So AZATHOTH survived? WHO KNEW!!

AZATHOTH was actually in a state similar to the one of Schrodinger's cat; dead and alive at the same time.

The Stupidverse[edit | edit source]

Oh no, AZATHOTH died again. Like, not in a Schrödinger's cat kind of way this time, but rather in a JFK kind of way. It was murdered by the fake Willy on wheels, who accidentaly spilled a burrito in AZATHOTH's mouth, killing AZATHOTH with the power of sheer spiciness.

Then, all of a sudden, Samara crawled out of a nearby TV screen and killed Frodo, exactly one week after he watched The Ring. Thankfully, Frodo got the Ring of the Nibelung (not the One Ring, we do not have those rights) and caused the end of the world as we know it, and he felt fine. Then, Frodo remembered that the end of the world as we know it was already happening and it wasn't because of his own doing, and felt sad again. "Mocca-" said a guy; "Alright, we get it!" said Frodo. "Sins, you can't stop me!" said the guy! Then the Independence Day aliens showed up and started blasting the Mocassins Guy.

Samara was now pissed off at the fact that Frodo cheated death, so she set up a trap in which there was a "sacred" ring in a TV museum. Frodo recalled his memories from The Lord of the Rings, and the ID4 aliens blasted Samara while Frodo did something. But that didn’t work, considering she is literally a ghost and can’t really die or get hurt or something like that. A paradox: if Samara cannot get hurt, then how come she can drag Frodo to the tv screen? Frodo was confused by this paradox, and said "waht is the awnser?" The answer, of course, is that Samara has the cheese touch, and she needs to kill the entire list of characters to get rid of it. Frodo died. Nobody killed him or anything; he just suddenly died, like that, and Samara got angry that the guy got to die before being killed by her. But she can't really do anything, because her only method of actually killing someone is making them watch The Ring and then waiting a week. Fortunately, that's pretty inefficient, and can be completely blocked by wearing moccasins. *insert unfunny "alright we get it" joke here*. Gorefield felt like she should right her wrongs, so she threw a moccasin at the ring, causing both of them to explode, killing over 9000 people and destroying most of the world's moccasins, with the only surviving moccasins being in the moccasin vault, which contained over 9000 moccasins moccasinly.

"ALRIGHT THE MOCASSSIN JOKE IS OLD ANYONE WHO THINKS IT IS STILL FUNNY IS A RETARD" screamed a guy. Then he proceeded to start making that exact joke on various Reddit communities. Then he died. What a dumbass, he can't even spell moccasins correctly, and he's a Redditor. Then the universe restarted again due to teh amount of unfunny self-referential jokes (like this one) being used in the face of actual humor.

But the universe refused to reset, as it was tired of resetting again and again, instead of apdvancing the story (because there was a story, remember that?). Now that Gorefield, AZAZOTH, Gothfield, Knife Guy, and Samara are all dead, the world is mostly peaceful, and there's not much to write about. BACK TO LIFE, BACK TO REALITY exclaimed God; unfortanutely, a Colonel Kurtz appeared for no reason.

But it wasn't quite the end yet, because Gollum showed up to ramble about his lost preshussssssss. In the city of Faya-Largeau, Chad, Gollum began to ramble about his girlfriend, although no one could understand him since people in Chad don't speak English. Meanwhile, Kurtz somewhere up the Nung River.

Do Lung Bridge was the first casualty of Kurtz's war against Them after a brutal misfire, causing TNT on the bridge to explode.
Do Lung Bridge was the first casualty of Kurtz's war against Them after a brutal misfire, causing TNT on the bridge to explode.

It was then when the Luna clones appeared, seeking to cause chaos and destruction; however, after seeing Coronel Kurtz had already started to cause chaos and destruction, the Lunas decided to fight Kurtz in a battle that would decide who's the most chaotic of them. However, Kurtz was already waging war against Them to fight the Lunas.

The Kurtz-Luna Hyperwar of 2024[edit | edit source]

The armies of Kurtz and Luna first met in the city of Pickleland, where Kurtz managed to kill many Luna clones and forced her to retreat. Kurtz's 2nd Air Cavalry Squad launched an assault against Them while the Lunas went back, utterly annihilated; the ultimate goal of Kurtz was to get the Retard Stick so the Lunas would go spastic again. As they didn't have their moccasins, Kurtz forced Them to retreat before significant casualties happen, thus making Kurtz the victor of the Battle of Pickleland, but the Kurtz-Luna Hyperwar continued. Laser beams are being shot continuously in the sky while it all happens. These laser beams didn't do anything, but they looked cool as fuck, and historians think that the Lunas may have been intimidated by them.

The Danube River Offensive[edit | edit source]

A year into the fighting, Kurtz figured out that Lunas were hiding at the end of Danube; so Kurtz decided to secretly go up the river and attack as many stations in the Danube River as possible. Unfortunately, the Lunas had discovered the moccasin stash by this point, and, due to Luna's ability to manipulate moccasins, Kurtz was met with an onslaught of moccasins, forcing him to retreat and almost killing him. Then Kurtz was killed by the Great Lord Móckasiin of Moccasinia because he ripped Móckasiins plushies to shreds. Thankfully, Kurtz managed to avoid the Mocassins by realizing they were really shitty weaponry and burning them. Unthankfully, Kurtz was killed two sentences ago, so the previous one was actually written in the past. Rendering the previous sentence impotent, Kurtz was actually both alive and dead somehow and he was both in the afterlife and in reality. Then Alula put an end to this and killed Kurtz because he messed up the previous sentences by adding nowiki-tags. Thank God that the world is now dominated by an alliance of Luna and Them.

The universe was finally in a state where God didn’t need to fix anything, so he got himself a cap that says "women want me, fish fear me" and decided to compete in a fishing tournament. This fishing tournament took place on the moccasin river, and went pretty good, but 90% of what was caught were just moccasins.

The Time of Peace[edit | edit source]

The world had currently fallen into a state of peace, and everyone around the world returned to their homes and began to edit Uncyclopedia, just like the good old days. Suddenly, INGSOC.

The End of the Time of Peace (that was quick, huh?)[edit | edit source]

A new world order had appeared, and was trying to take over the whole world; it was none other than the evil empire of INGSOC! But fret not, Winston Smith is here to save the day! Winston formed an alliance with Them and Luna, and the combined armies encountered INGSOC's forces near the city of Gonder, Ethiopia, where INGSOC secured a victory, but with high casualties.

The Danube River Offensive, Pt 2[edit | edit source]

If the Danube River offensive was the high budget action movie that did well at thee box office, then Pt 2 is the low budget sequel produced by Asylum films. It starts with the outbreak of the second Yugoslav war, which includes weirdly detailed information about how committing war crimes feels like and why you should do it.

“Can I just have one night off without some chaos happening?!”

~ God

But that was yesterday

You already got that night, it was yesterday.

“Yesterday doesn't count, because I ate some spicy frijoles and ended all day in the shithouse having the shits!”

~ God

Nope, God doesn't want to deal with this at all. Unfortunately, the show must go on. God decided not to intervene this time. This Danube River offensive was slightly more successful than the previous one, as nobody died since both sides ran away instantly. Then they came to Do Lung again, and the rapid advancement turned to unending trench fighting.

The Battle of Bridge Bridge lasted for months, even for 5 years by some calenders.

Wait, why is the plot about warfare now? The hippies died out, as they were allergic to moccasins and decided to join Kanye West and Snoop Dogg in the marijuana dimension, so pacifism no longer existed. Meanwhile, INGSOC bombed Danube with NAPALM IN THE MORNING, the ultimate weapon. Then Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White and Monty Python and a bunch of other characters that i can't name because of some word limit showed up and reset the timeline back to the first universe. Except they didn't, because we're already in the first universe and they have no power. Conveniently, the True Power (we still do not have the rights to the One Power from Wheel of Time) awakened inside of them. Then they roundhouse kicked Chuck Norris into oblivion, subsequently gaining those powers. Unfortunately, they still couldn't reset the universe since we had reached our free trial of universe resets. The Lunas and Them (who the fuck are them, anyways?) used this chaotic chain of events in their favour, releasing an army of Lunas and Them (no, seriously, who the fuck are they???) to the INGSOC territories while Big Brother was distracted watching Chuck Norris getting sent to the stratosphere. Emmanuel Goldstein then appeared and teamed up with Winston Smith to beat the shit out of Big Brother. However, by the time Goldstein and Winston had appeared, Luna had already finished the job by herself. Feeling satisfied, she decided to go home to spend some time with her new girlfriend.

Luna-Valerie fun time[edit | edit source]

Now that peace has been restored, Luna is now free to spend time with her girlfriend, Valerie, while both of them are wearing moccasins. Unfortanutely, they died. Somehow, Knife Guy came back to life, and stabbed them! However, somehow, Luna and Valerie came back to life, and stabbed him back. Lesbians mean diversity equota fulfillment, now back to the show! "That's what we are just to you, an equota fulfillment?", said Luna, and stabbed the narrator to death.

This stabbing had now turned Knife Guy into Knife Girl, which is a totally original plot twist i'm sure we've never seen before. Knife Guy's revival also led to the revival of his long time rival: Dracula. However, Knife Guy didn't revive, he just changed gender while dead, meaning Dracula wasn't alive either. Pissed off by this, the currently dead Dracula would probably become extremely transphobic if he ever got revived, so let's keep him in his coffin. Then the Retard Stick (remember that?) re-revealed itself to the world by making Knife Girl a spastic knife uttering dinosaur noises.

Meanwhile, Luna and Valerie kept kissing, hugging, and doing generally everything that every lesbian in love does. Then they were interrupted by the Inner Party, who were seeking revenge for the murder of Giant Bro.

"Lesbians do not exist because we have decided they do not exist." -O'brien, probably

Upon saying his words, Valerie vanished in thin air. Enraged by this, Luna resurrected Knife Girl and subsequently started a massive battle against the Inner Party members. Because the Retard Stick had been re-revealed through Knife Girl's corpse, Knife Girl now had the powers of the Retard Stick, which helped her beat the Inner Party members quicker. Unfortanutely, one does not simply use the Retard Stick to their will. But the Retard Stick is no match for the knife of Knife Girl, so it doesn’t really matter. Either way, it took about 5 minutes for every single member of the Inner Party to become the opposite of alive. Gollum saw this, and the Breaking of the Fellowship too. This caused him to cry, which made a few people in the city of Koro Toro, Chad, wet. "It turns out that this is not geographically possibly--" said a nerd who was shutup by AZATHOTH (guess he's back). Luna then quickly shutup AZATHOTH in return because she was still angry. Gollum has no idea that any of this happened, as he was going Kitten Golfing, a traditional sport in South Chad. Then AZATHOTH floated back up 2 space. Just kidding, he was launched up there by Winston because he got quite annoyed by the fact that everyone defeated INGSOC before he could. Then there still was the threat of Them.

But who the hell is Them?[edit | edit source]

WHO KNOWS? I am Willy on Wheels, but I don't know about Them.

"THESE ARE MYSTERIOUS PEOPLE!!" -Captain of the No Shit Sherlock Crew

All i know is that every single member of Them is non-binary.

"LOL!!" I managed to fool you all! There is not Them! Just so goofy scam made to scare you1''Them nuts look quite tasty tonight. Deeeez Nuuuts! LOL DONGS!!!!!!! Anyways, Gollum was pretty bad at Kitten Golfing.

Gollum's War with Kitten Golfing[edit | edit source]

Gollum moved up the Anduin to the Falls of Rauros to attack a local kittel golfing spot. While he managed to beat up some villagers, he eventually got a kitten golfed into his head, which almost killed him. Then he found the Golden Moccasin lying around, and decided to take it with him because it looks shiny. Unbeknownst to him, upon taking the golden moccasin, Gollum had activated a complex contraption that made a comically big box fall on top of him, keeping Gollum trapped. Gollum decided to put the golden moccasin on, which immediately alerted the village that he was trapped. He then realized that he was trapped in the moccasin village, and that he was going to be cooked alive in a Brazen moccasin. Gollum tried to escape, but the golden moccasin he had put on had immobilized his foot and couldn't move; that's when Gollum realized, his greed was going to be his downfall! In a desperate attempt at trying to escape he kicked one of the moccasin villagers in the head with his Golden Moccasin, but that just made them all really angry. The villagers started rampaging over Gollum, and tied him to a comically big moccasin to bring him to the leader of the village, Lord Móckasiin III (no relation with the other Lord Móckasiin).

At this point i decided to interrupt the story to decrease the size of the moccasins, just so we wouldn't end up with planetary objects resembling footwear again. While Lord Móckasiin III was going to sentence Gollum to death by crushing him with a giant moccasin, the moccasin wasn't big enough since all the moccasins were shrunk, so they only caused Gollum minor back pain. Then they brought out a wide array of pocket knives that were weirdly enough not shaped like moccasins to stab him with instead. At this point, Lord Móckasiin III revealed his true form: Darth Móckasiin III, Darth Vader's non-emo friend who wielded a red moccasin lightsaber. But Gollum was saved by Luna, who was still pissed off that her girlfriend was suddenly removed from existence. This moment is considered the start of the triumvirate war: the armies of Luna, Valerie, and Gollum fighting the armies of Darth Móckasiin III, Knife Guy, and Dracula. Never had <insert name here> been so scared. The first battle of the war occurred on the asteroid of 99942 Apophis, where Dracula blasted several Luna clones and almost won the battle, before Valerie threw a silver moccasin at him, causing him to flee, which also destroyed 99942 Apophis and therefore Mr. Winkler.

I don't really know how to explain this, but 99942 Apophis being destroyed instantly made every single person in the universe massively gay somehow. Turns out, 99942 Apophis was holding all the universe's excess gay, so now the gay is able to spread freely. This implosion of gayness made the original Valerie return to existence, who was now even more of a lesbian that she was before. Luna was now happy again, and decided this war wasn't worth it anymore because she got her girlfriend back.


~ Møqásÿn Rein

The mysterious voice came from Lord Móckasiin III, who was sad that the war had ended too soon, and started getting high on LSD, which made him believe he was an omniscient being called Møqásÿn. This made him go completely Bat Fuck Insane, and he started to get "visions" about a different universe where there was a giant frenchman rampaging around in the name of the Moccasins.

Wisdomis notusingtomatoesinfruitsalad.”

~ Møqásÿn Rein

This caused him to go on a rampage, attacking several outposts owned by Luna in North Chad, which caused Valerie to retaliate by raiding Dracula's allies in Transylvania, thus starting the Second War of the Triumvirates, with Darth Møqásÿn Rein, Dracula, and Knife Guy fighting Luna, Valerie, and Gollum. Of course, none of the civilians living anywhere remotely nearby knows what the fuck is going on.

The War of the Triumvirates[edit | edit source]

While the First War of the Triumvirates was short, underwhelming, and inconclusive (with the only major side effect was that the whole universe was now gay), the Second War of the Triumvirates was much longer. Technically speaking, since the time between the first and second war of Triumvirates was so short, they both count as a single war; meaning that the war wasn't that underwhelming and inconclusive (yet)! Between the two wars, Knife Guy married Dracula, and Darth Møqásÿn Rein transitioned to female, with all of this likely being a result of 99942 Apophis's destruction. The war was still going on, though. The first major battle of the war occurred when Dracula met Valerie, and began to fight with her. Holy fuck! New swear word just dropped! This word is moccasiner, and it refers to someone loves moccasins, and may even do things like wear moccasins everywhere or worship moccasins. The most obsessed of moccasiners have shown to develop romantical relationships with moccasins, and even have dared to fuck moccasins.

During the battle, Valerie was getting her ass beat by Dracula, although Luna came in to save her, but then Knife Guy came in to save his husband, Dracula, and so Luna duplicated herself to defeat Knife Guy and Dracula, as Luna's clones don't have blood. "One day, Pagans will pagan the Pagans after paganing Pagans" - said Dracula, while he was having a stroke on the floor due to blood lost. Dracula barely survived the incident, but he was saved at the last moment by Darth Møqásÿn Rein, who was able to deflect Luna's moccasins, and managed to defeat Luna and Valerie with the help of Knife Guy's expertise at stabbing people, and Dracula was taken to a hospital on Mocca-CN 5 for treatment. Little did Møqásÿn know, those Luna and Valerie were merely doubles, and the real Luna and Valerie were planning on their next attack against Møqásÿn.

Meanwhile, a somewhat familiar face had decided to waltz into this world entirely on her own. And this familiar face was… JOHN! Who is now a woman, and as such is now called Anna. Anna was still sentenced to pregnancy for sending dick pics to her kittens, but the penguins thankfully didn't make it into this universe. She wasn't exactly a huge fan of having a child she didn't want, so she decided to get an abortion.

Note from one of the authors: Hold on, I know you guys won't understand, but I think it would be very funny if transgedner John is called "June" (you know, like the month).

Note from the other author: Yeah, but it's a little too late to change that now i think.

You can make her change her name. It's not too late.

Anna heard this entire conversation, and was like "hey, June is actually a pretty cool name", and so she is now called June. This war might cause the penguins to break back into this universe and sentence June to pregnancy, but it's unfortunately too late for the triumvirates to stop fighting. Except it actually is, because all of the triumvirates dissolved because almost everyone thinks celebrating Pride Month is more important than fighting a massive war (which it admittedly is). However, none of that matters since everyone is gay in this universe, therefore there is no more reason for Pride Month to exist. In spite of that it is still needed, because the vast majority of the people on Earth don't know that they're gay yet, so they're still celebrating Pride Month. However, when the triumvirates returned to Earth to celebrate Pride Month, their mere energy caused everyone to realize that they were gay, thus making Pride Month pointless yet again, thus making the truce pointless, so the War of the Triumvirates went on. But the sides had completely changed, and now it was the entire nation of Moccasinia fighting against Brazil.

The War of the Quadrumvirates[edit | edit source]

Since Moccasinia had joined the triumvirate of Knife Guy, Dracula, and Darth Møqásÿn Rein, and Brazil had joined the triumvirate of Gollum, Valerie, and Luna, they were no longer triumvirates, so the writers had to invent a new term for an alliance composed of four groups; this word was quadrumvirate, and the war was now the First War of the Quadrumvirates, good luck spelling those. Having awakened from his strange Moccasin-induced trance, Møqásÿn Rein, king of the North Kingdom of Ugly Shoes, looked down at what used to be his penis and felt enough regret to go back to the doctor to undo the procedure. However, the sheer amount of gay within this universe prevented her from doing so.

Oh, by the way, Knife Girl just woke up from a Retard Stick-induced coma and has no clue about what the fuck is going on right now. Thankfully for her, no one really knows either. So she decided that the best course of action was to stab the one responsible for creating this mess. The person who put Knife Girl in a coma was her near-identical clone, Knife Guy, who had separated from her since he was tired of constantly changing gender. Knife Girl tried to kill Knife Guy, but the moment she stabbed him with her knife, she felt a sharp pain in the very same place she stabbed Knife Guy - that's when she realized, even though they had separated their bodies, Knife Guy and Knife Girl were still connected through their soul! This meant that both of them had no realistic way of fighting each other at all, since if one of them died the other one probably would too[Citation not needed at all; thank you very much]. Meanwhile, something was happening; I am not sure, just something is happening, but what? Well, the thing about Knife Girl and Knife Guy confused the universe so much that a tiny black hole was created, which thankfully was only big enough to absorb all the world's moccasins before evaporating, but wait, all the moccasins are gone now!

The black hole then felt really bad for sucking up all the moccasins, so it promptly spewed them all out on top of the White House before disappearing again. We not only stopped another moccasin depletion incident, but we also saved the world from being destroyed by a black hole! Thus began the quest of a lifetime.

However, the United States president (which in this iteration of the ASBOSAAT universe is Will Smith) thought that the moccasins had been thrown by the Moccasinian Empire to attack the United States, and as such, the POTUS decided to enter the War of the Quadrumvirates against Møqásÿn Rein. Unfortunately, the alliances were unbalanced now, as the triumvirate of Møqásÿn Rein, Dracula, and Moccasinia were now fighting against the quintumvirate of Luna, Valerie, Brazil, Gollum, and the United States, so Møqásÿn Rein performed a ritual which brought Kanye West and Snoop Dogg to this universe. He then remembered that Kanye was going to be absolute garbage at fighting anything, so he also summoned the French Prince of Bel Air.

The War of the Quintumvirates[edit | edit source]

As Kanye was thrown to the sidelines, a new group of alliances was formed: the quintumvirate of Møqásÿn Rein, Dracula, Moccasinia, Snoop Dogg, and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air was in an all-out war with the quintumvirate of the United States (which was now ruled by Chris Rock due to Will Smith being overthrown in a military coup), Brazil, Luna, Valerie, and Gollum. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air took the quintumvirate via France (becoming the French Prince of Bel-Air) which promptly surrendered, avoiding Switzerland which stayed neutral and allied with Germany, causing world war, uh, which one are we at now? Oh yeah, that's right, it's World War 1 because the universe got reset. Actually, this is the sixth universal hyperwar. This is the 7th installment in the Universal Hyperwar series. However, it's just a movie this time, but it's fucking epic, and there's lasers and explosions and cool ass special effects and a previously thought impossible 101% on Rotten Tomatoes and shit.

God woke up after taking a nap and was completely shocked by all the chaos going on once again. "Fuck this", He said, and left the story to never be seen again. Then He came back, no reason. Anyway, that movie was pretty good, even God enjoyed it. But when he realized that this was based on real events that took place in the lines above he got furious. As such, he wiped out the quintumvirates, and a new cast was brought into this universe: John (now June), Garfield (who was revived), Jon, John Cena, Zhong Xina, and Xi Jinping, although he accidentally put lasagna laced with perc 30s in Jon's freezer. But this ended up summoning Gothfield, because the universe was completely broken by this point and logic had ceased to exist. Møqásÿn Rein was angry that God had decided to wipe him out from the story, and since Møqásÿn Rein thought he himself was a god (he had gotten high on drugs again), he decided to declare war on God himself to decide who the real god was.

Møqásÿn's Bizarre Adventure[edit | edit source]

Darth Møqásÿn Rein had not actually been wiped out, but was instead just banished to universe 91288, a universe that is identical to our universe in every way except that the events of the Star Wars franchise actually did happen a long time ago (in a galaxy far, far, away). Oh, and Middle-earth exists somewhere, just saying. There might be more stuff that's different too, but i don't wanna spoil that just yet. In that universe, bits of Alderaan still drift between galaxies, occasionally granting people the power to travel through space and time (somehow.) This has siphoned down to Earth in the form of a cursed stone mask, which Møqásÿn just so happens to pick up. Before he knows it, he is on an Imperial Star Destroyer transporting valuable Rebel prisoners to the Death Star. That's a very awkward situation to find yourself in, but luckily he could use the stone mask to escape with ease.

I call bullshit!

My call was accepted by the Gods of Bullshit, who undid that last event and referenced the Alderaan Mask Manual, which states: "When handled by a Sith Lord of rank Darth or higher, the mask will transport the Sith Lord to a time where they will have access to their full power and the ability to use it to its full potential, and then return to Earth without the Sith Lord," which comes into effect here because Darth Møqásÿn Rein, despite having a deplorably non-canonical name, is technically a Sith Lord. But the manual didn't explain the minor details, such as the fact that mask users would lose complete control of their bodies and essentially become zombified versions of themselves. The sheer amount of technobabble caused the Death Star to explode, killing both the emperor and Darth Vader, and thus Darth Møqásÿn Rein was now the emperor. A zombie-emperor, at the mercy of his own cursed mask. The destruction of the Death Star was a major setback for the empire, so they decided to set up shop on 99942 Apophis, which was considerably more resistant to technobabble. It was then when they remembered that 99942 Apophis had been blown up, which is what had caused that the gayness spreaded all over the entire universe and transformed it into a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure reference. However, this was a different universe, so 99942 Apophis still exists. No, what I'm saying is that 99942 Apophis got blown up in this universe too; if it hadn't, it wouldn't be gay enough to be a Jojo reference. Turns out this universe actually already had high levels of gay, and the explosion of 99942 Apophis merely pushed it over into the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure zone.


~ Random JoJo fan that didn't read the header of this section at all

Suddenly, DIO[2]! This isn't actually a JoJo reference, but it is now a law of the omniverse that all universes must have at least 1 vampire.


~ The random JoJo fan (again) that i killed halfway through his sentence

The Peaceful Moccasin Planet[edit | edit source]

The moccasin planet (not the same as Mocca-CN 5) was currently too far away to notice any of this, but the people there were a coming to hate the very shoes that formed their planet, since they were tired of seeing so many fucking moccasins. Despite their hatred of the Ugly Shoe, this people continued to worship their primitive knowledge of the Great God Mokkááwŝen. This made Mokkááwŝen happy, and in return he turned their sun into a giant moccasin.

Then a movie, Apocalypse Now, released, it was so influential an entire war was fought after it. But then the sequel, Apocalypse After, was released; it was so shitty the moccasinians realized it was stupid to fight over a movie, and ended the shortly after. Meanwhile in the Galactic Empire, the puppet emperor Darth Møqásÿn Rein awakens from his nightmare into a good dream in which he gets laid by a Wookiee, but all of this is irrelevant due to the fact that DMR's body was under control of the Aldermasque. This means that Moqásyn got the nookie of a Wookie; and to add to the pun, this song was playing in the background.

  1. The reason the moccasins were gone from OPOSSUMs feet was because they were stolen by L10nM4st3r in the midst of him dying.
  2. the vampire, not the singer