User talk:DiZ/Here

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Oh, well thank you, ghelae for straightening up my Hall of Hero-dom-ness-icity-thing. Didn't realize it was crooked, but it looks better now. --Señor DiZtheGreat Honor me! CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 17:14, 12 July 2006 (UTC)

Ok. And it's "Ghelæ", not "ghelae". More comments will arrive on your main talk page soon. ~ Ghelæ talkcontribs 17:16, 12 July 2006 (UTC)
Sorry, just a typo...I meant to capitalize it and press Alt-0230 on my Keyboard, but shot happens (and by shot, I mean shite) (and by shite, I mean SHIT) --Señor DiZtheGreat Honor me! CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 17:22, 12 July 2006 (UTC)

Infoboxes[edit source]

Ghelae, what are you hoping to do with the Infoboxes? Build a list of every individual's stats, or of each rank? Tell me or I'll fornicate you with a garden hose (No, that's getting old) I'll shit your rock with my new exotic rock! --Señor DiZtheGreat Honor me! CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 23:18, 12 July 2006 (UTC)

Rank. Originally. But I had to have dinner so I shut my computer down and ran off... and now I've forgot my entire point. So... FNORD! ~ Ghelæ talkcontribs 14:57, 13 July 2006 (UTC)
I took the liberty of finishing them, and Uncyc took the liberty of taking his newfound liberty to do something...... FNORD!! Oh, and we need a sixth member to the Primary Order. I say draft! They can be my honorary Knight of the Sixth Fnord and will naturally be 6th in line to the throne. What's a fnord anyways? --Señor DiZtheGreat Honor me! CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 16:42, 13 July 2006 (UTC)
We could put up a notice on the VD. A fnord is a green alien creature, and the code word of the illuminaughty. ~ Ghelæ talkcontribs 17:09, 13 July 2006 (UTC)
Venereal disease? Alright, you go post it there. --Señor DiZtheGreat Honor me! CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 17:21, 13 July 2006 (UTC) I saw a fnord once.
Where? The Venereal Disease or the Village Dump? ~ Ghelæ talkcontribs 17:22, 13 July 2006 (UTC) What did it look like?
Oh, you meant Village Dump....My bad, I'm terrible with acronyms. Yeah, forget about the Venerael Disease. That was just me being stoopidd. --Señor DiZtheGreat Honor me! CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 17:28, 13 July 2006 (UTC)
Ok. ~ Ghelæ talkcontribs 18:44, 13 July 2006 (UTC) Seriously, what did the fnord look like?
You saw it already, on my User Page, remember? Yeah, that wasn't an alien. --Señor DiZtheGreat Honor me! CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 20:44, 13 July 2006 (UTC)

Userbox[edit source]

User Hall Hero is:

This user is a member of DiZ's
inner circle. Fear them.

By choosing that, you can show everyone your greatness. And yes, I finally have a personal signature. Marshal Uncyclopedian! Talk to me!
Join the club! Seriously, join us.......or die. --Señor DiZtheGreat Honor me! CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 17:23, 17 July 2006 (UTC)
<rips apart DiZ's throne> Marshal Uncyclopedian! Talk to me! 17:28, 17 July 2006 (UTC)
Alright, you're dead to me. <Ignores Uncyclopedian> <Ignores him some more> <Ignores for a little longer> <leaves for somewhere...> --Señor DiZtheGreat Honor me! CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 17:39, 17 July 2006 (UTC)
<turns into grue> <eats DiZ> Marshal Uncyclopedian! Talk to me! 17:42, 17 July 2006 (UTC)

Hey, it's With the Plant. I'm finally replying after what must be The Longest Lazy Era ever. I'd love to be one of your Knights, but I'm not very funny. No, not at all. But it's really your choice, if you want me to be a knight, I'll be a knight.

This is one of DiZ's knights speaking, sorry, but there may only be six knights, unless DiZ says otherwise, and he has not. You may be a servant. Marshal Uncyclopedian! Talk to me!
And don't forget to sign with at least three tilides. Marshal Uncyclopedian! Talk to me!
Tildes, Uncyclopedia...and sorry Plant, he's right, only six knights. But if any of the current knights piss me off, you can get promoted. But probably not, so don't count on it any time soon. Kidding, love you. Very much, as a matter-of-fact. --Señor DiZtheGreat Honor me! CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 21:43, 13 February 2007 (UTC)

Moscow Pact[edit source]

The Kingdom of Valhalla should join the Moscow Pact and unite with our comrades there. --EMC [TALK] 23:05, 8 October 2007 (UTC)