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At one point or another, there was a blank userpage. Now there isn't. Instead, the userpage has become like xserver-xorg: overbuilt, overflashy, and over-beyond-repair. Now get back to your terminal.

Newcookie.gif Somebody has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
This user supports free operating systems because they are basically a cheapskate.
The Worst Part of Censorship.jpg
This *bleep* user likes to *bleep* the use of *bleep* *bleep* profanity *bleep*
The Worst Part of Censorship.jpg
Firefox Logo.png
This user believes the Mozilla Firefox could easily defeat Godzilla.
Firefox Logo.png
Mad scientist caricature.png
This user is a Mad Scientist.
Mad scientist caricature.png
I am a metalhead; I wear offensive shirts, I headbang to really loud music. I have long hair, but am not a hippie.
This user doesn't care.
This user is a grue, and while you were reading this, has eaten you. Start over?
This user would be a professional procrastinator, but they can't be bothered.
United States
This user is American
…and unabashedly proud of it!
(List of American Uncyclopedians)
United States
This usre si able to contriubte wuth a n inermideate level fo Tpyo
You can help by paying for their Ritalin, or finding them a kitten to play with.

dogfood[edit | edit source]


who:[edit | edit source]

  • i'm not important.
  • i have a headache.
  • im on IRC way too much
  • now go away.
  • stop following me
  • seriously.

stuff:[edit | edit source]

  1. learn more python (the language)
  2. do stuff with greasemonkey that pertains to uncyclopedia
  3. wake up
  4. finish history project
  5. finish reading H. P. Lovecraft stories
  6. fix up Shredded_Wheat (a pleasantly futile task)

pants:[edit | edit source]

  • yes

know:[edit | edit source]

  1. nothing
  2. python
  3. c++
  4. bash
  5. going to learn a mono language
  6. java (sorely regret it)