It (hypothetical entity)

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I just had this thought today. Am I onto something, fellas? Print this out and wait for the end of the world.

They say that "if you want to find out who rules the world, just ask yourself who you're not allowed to insult." Now there's all the normal things that people suspect to rule the world... the Illuminati, the Jews, the lizard people, et cetera, you know the conspiracy theories. What if the theories about all of those are all just cover-ups promoted by something or someone else that really DOES rule the world?

Perhaps, if there is a person, thing or organization (which we will henceforth refer to as "It") really does the world, It would make Itself completely UNABLE to be insulted via complete anonymity, by completely removing all evidence of Its existence.

If It gets this article removed from Uncyclopedia, people might get suspicious that It really is real, unless It manages to convince everyone that this article never existed. Perhaps, It would rather leave this article on Uncyclopedia so that people would disbelieve the existence of It.

What if It really is real?[edit | edit source]

So, what if we deduce that It really is real after all? Well, good luck finding out any details about It or where It resides, for obvious reasons. All we (might) know is that It uses the better-known conspiracy theories as cover-ups and that It tries to remove all evidence of Its existence. For all we know, It might be a spread-out network of artificial intelligence that manifests in computers all over the world. Maybe It is capable of erasing your memories. Anyway, your chances of destroying or dethroning It are next to nothing.

Meta-It[edit | edit source]

But then again, whatever actually does rule the world (if anything) may have already foreseen the "It Theory". Perhaps we spend too much time thinking about It, and the "It Theory" is only a distraction from the existence of Meta-It. And Maybe Meta-It is itself a distraction for Meta-Meta-It, and so on.

Maybe the real ruler of the world would be the thousandth "Meta-It". It would take a whole lot of time to think about each layer of "Meta"...