Steve Ballmer/Lite

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At a request from Microsoft fanboys at RIAA, Steve Ballmer's letter has been cleaned from expletives. Under no circumstances should you read the main article, unless you are a Linux sysadmin. The words here are much more frightening for you than those found in the non-lite article.

Steve Ballmer's polite apology letter to Google[edit | edit source]

Dear ACTIVEX Eric Schmidt,

I would like to ACTIVEX politely apologize for my ACTIVEX aggressive behavior. I fully realize that this ACTIVEX move dealt a serious blow to Microsoft's reputation in the eyes of ACTIVEX software corporations, leave alone the opinion of ACTIVEX independent developers.

Destroying ACTIVEX Google was never my intent. As the Microsoft CEO, I am ACTIVEX interested in the continuation of the long-term ACTIVEX partnership between Microsoft and Google. Furthermore, it would be an honor for me to ACTIVEX participate in any ACTIVEX future Google campaigns, including those that promote the ACTIVEX competitors of Microsoft. It should be widespread knowledge that Microsoft ACTIVEX respects fair competition and has never engaged in any ACTIVEX attempts to undermine it.

As a token of my ACTIVEX goodwill, I hereby resign all claims that ACTIVEX leaving Microsoft is crime and vow to never again ACTIVEX throw furniture at or otherwise harm my own ACTIVEX colleagues. Microsoft agrees to recognize the ACTIVEX fact that selling copies of free software is ACTIVEX legal, regardless of the method by which these ACTIVEX copies were obtained. In respect to ACTIVEX copyright law, Microsoft recognizes the GNU General Public ACTIVEX License and other free licenses as ACTIVEX valid legal documents.

Yours ACTIVEX sincerely,
Steve Ballmer
Microsoft, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA

P.S. No committee or ACTIVEX court has forced me to write this ACTIVEX letter.