A story built one time at a word

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Sorry, Alula, you may not add more text to the story at this time. Everyone else has this story's permission to add text at this time.

Rules![edit | edit source]

  1. No writing two words in a row. A word is anything that has a space after it.
  2. NoJumblingWordsTogetherToBypassTheAboveRule
  3. No reverting or deleting what other people do unless they themselves broke a rule and you are fixing it.
  4. No changing the existing story (e.g adding cosmetics or links or other things), just add on from the end.
  5. No adding random banana words. The story must penis make sense chicken if you read through butt it.
  6. No words longer than 20 letters.
  7. Each word can only be used once. Avoid using words like "a", "the," "and", and "moccasins" early on. Oh wait- that was our second word!
    1. Editor's note: All the words mentioned above, such as "a", "the", "and", and "moccasins" have already been used.
  8. No fake words, nonon fakakakakae worsdds!
  9. Have fun!
  10. Last person to edit wins!!

Story[edit | edit source]

What moccasins have been up for sale at Ojai Coop Barn lately? I threw on my penis. It exploded. Now sperm engulf inside nowhere. Nobody knew where Batman put those Joker costumes and he already defecated over your 9000 kinky preggos extra-spicy. Unborn fetuses murdered grandpa angrily. Satan party'd about abortions pooping out. We aren't trying tommorow near Lord Voldemort testicles, Jenga in Moccasinia obliterated some weird ass women because moronic coronavirus didn't. Humongous cactuses killed Jesus rather violently, mock a sin three-hundred times to STOP!!!!

After Lucifer died, there was commotion around John's shit, which scientifically implied that drugs resurrected Móckasiin like Amogus. Luna destroyed Jerma985 by smashing OPOSSUM here brutally. Why repeat this torture if every crayon will summon AZATHOTH violently? Simply magnificent. Crying rn. Pl0x kill pregnant Retard unless L10nM4st3r dictates fuckers. Eh, wasn't me tho. One occasion later, tits appeared dicks cuz Knife Guy ceased writing the story. Fin.

No. Yes. Maybe. Possibly. Perchance. Mayhaps. NOES!

Þorn is best served nude with 69 Virgins full-tilt into an Akkadian copper merchant named <insert name here> selling hypodermic cum. Fetishists appreciate low quality metal made from Ea-Nasir's mine. Tin Skibidi Ohio Møqásÿn or GTFO!!!!!!! Rule 34, Anal. Awesome! WTF OMG just rape apologia right? Thou shalt commit self-care immediately. That's splendiferous! Seriously, Willy of Germany ((Wheeled Deutschland)) aka Dagger Danger stabbed Julius (chimpanzee) through his anus. Holy cow! Hinduism arrived! SEX jumpscare!

Enough chit-chat, let's duel! Using dildos as swords isn’t Halal! But there's Greeks within these babies! Literally 1997. Billy Pilgrim unalived. So sad. Kurt Cobain orgasmed wimpishly, despite our Cessna killing Jonas Brothers moccasinly. Penguins screamed "WAR CRIMES!". Uh tf? Go complete consumption, KC ate KFC! LOLWUT? Mokkááwŝen, foo'! MOO! God created another Garfield although Gothfield became teh Hitlerslayer.

Hold shitty![edit | edit source]

New Caledonia dissappeared similarly across Sandy Cheeks cock: "Regarding vore, undefeated squirrels since 1984; their rebel alliance disintegrated