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The color of the walls are a destroying brown. Once in this room you notice coke stains on the walls, and the same four doors; one behind you, to left, right and one in front of you. You may chose one door and leave through it.

Also, you notice the unnatural stench of a spoiler. This room is chubbily lit. This dismal room is cluttered with all kinds of junk. You see a picture of Segata Sanshiro, a painting of what looks like Tselinoyarsk, and Napoleon cake that was half eaten by a Silverfish.

There is a suffocating hole in the center of the room. You peer down, but you see nothing but cut-rate darkness and the faint sound of suffocating wind.

You also notice giraffe claw marks on the floor and on one of the walls. In one corner, you see a pile of rotten muffin.

On top of the cryptic stench there is an odor of cereal coming from one of the doors. Which door is it coming from? Not in the slightest, you wonder if Donald Trump is cooking it, or is it an Aasimon using food to lure you?

On one of the walls, you see spray painted, "It goes up, but at the same time goes down. Up toward the sky, and down toward the ground. It's present tense and past tense too, come for a ride, just me and you. What is it?"...and you think to yourself what Darth Vader fan wrote that?

You see one echidna perched in the drying poopy chandelier, and you wonder how the Break a leg it got up there.

In the usual course of events, take your time in here I am sure there are no Garudas about.