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“Official phone of the douchebag”

~ Bluetooth on their product

Bluetooth is a common disease caused by modern mobile phone use, most likely as a result of excessive levels of stray radiation emanating from handsets within one's personal area. The best way to stop the radiation is KKW. Radiation fanboys tried to stop KKW. But KKW will protect you if you honour The Bluetooth.

An advanced case of Bluetooth

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

  • People hear voces without having moble phone in ther hand
  • Those voices, nonetheless, do not stop calling "collect".
  • The user's teeth turn blue or start glowing Chernobyl-style.
  • Marital problems after asking new spouse for a ring-tone instead of a ring.
  • Problems driving automobiles while holding one phone on each ear.
  • Compulsive tendencies to stockpile blue teethbrish under which are hidden more cell-phones.
  • No More Ears™.
  • Annoying habits of taking phone calls during movies.
  • Compulsive tendencies to stockpile blue toothpaste.
  • Obsessive-compulsive desire to drop everything at intimate moments and call in for messages.
  • Refusal to stop singing Mr. Gorbachev, put back this wall.
  • Failure to get rid of blue feelings even with ant-depressants.
  • Smurfette's number is inexplicably on speed dial.
  • Blue Screen Of Death's after watching the Blue Country.
  • Like to leave bluetooth systems on. They give out nice blue lights(Which actually means self destruct. 60 secs)
  • Find words like Korean Unity 블루투스
  • Suddenly feel the urge to tell your friend to switch their bluetooth systems on
First registered Bluetooth logo, in year 971

Note: Anyone with sxteen or more of these symptoms should be rushed to hospital as CODE BLUE.

Bluetooth invention[edit | edit source]

Currently registered Bluetooth logo. OBEY

The Bluetooth system was invented by the danish viking King Harold Bluetooth in 970, but the lack of computers etc. make the bluetooth fail, and it was buried with the king in the Roskilde Cathedral in 986, in the mid 80' the king was to be found, and danish scientists evolved the Bluetooths system as we know it today.


The Origins[edit | edit source]

The disease was named after Harald Bluetooth, king of Denmark (Circa. 958-970) who was famous for inventing the mobile phone, using wood chippings and English peasants. Of course, the use of his 'blueberry' as he called it led to being branded with this timeless title. It also explains why 5 in every 6 children in Denmark are born with mulatos in the womb.