King Boo

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King Boo is a cursed ghost who is somehow in a gay relationship with Petey Piranha and likes to smoke crack and shoot heroin in his spare time. King Boo once lured Luigi Mario into Luigi's Mansion to try and eat him, but Luigi fought back with a bazooka, although Nintendo lied in the game Luigi's Mansion and said it was some stupid vacuum cleaner 3000. What a rip off. He came back from the grave when some scientist, just for the hell of it, revived him with a cool gadget thing. He then invaded various Mario games and met Petey Piranha and Waluigi, and, after killing Waluigi, started having affairs with Petey Piranha. In his spare time, King Boo enjoys vandalizing Wikipedia while vaping hash. King Boo was the first president of the United States. Unfortunately, he O'D and died while snorting coke, and George Washington took over the role of president. This however, is not taught in history books and in schools, because it is widely known, that America is racist to ghosts.